
Over the years research staff employed by the Government of Western Australia have produced many papers on the Western Australian flora and fauna.

Research dating back to 1896 is available and represents the first database of the research conducted on Western Australia's flora, fauna and forest since the establishment of Government in the 1890s.

Research by the following departments and agencies is available:

  • Forests Department (1896–1984)
  • Departments of Fisheries, Fisheries & Fauna and Fisheries & Wildlife (1898-1984)
  • State Gardens Board (1920–1956)
  • National Parks Board & Authority (1956–1984)
  • Government Botanist & forest entomologists of the Department of Agriculture (1897-1928)
  • State & Western Australian Herbarium (Department of Agriculture, 1921–1988)
  • Department of Conservation and Land Management (now Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) Research Division (RD), Science and Information Division (SID), CALMScience Division (CSD), Science Division (SD), Science and Conservation Division (SCD) and Biodiversity and Conservation Science (BCS; 1985–present)

What is included? What is excluded?

Journal articles, books, unpublished reports, abstracts, 16 mm films, videos, slides, CDs and ephemeral items such as posters, pamphlets and wall charts have all been included.

As this bibliography is on Western Australian flora and fauna by staff of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and its predecessors, papers and reports on topics such as general departmental management, sheep, wheat, commercial marine fisheries, trout, etc. have been excluded. Also excluded are papers by staff of other Government departments and authorities such as the Western Australian Museum.

For more information

Most of the titles in this database can be found within the catalogue of the DBCA Library.


Found 406 items


Abbott I (2020). Book review: The future of the fringe: the crisis in peri-urban planning by Michael Buxton and Andrew Butt 2020. CSIRO Publishing, 184 pp.. 26, p. 315

Abbott I (2020). Saving the Tasmanian Devil: Recovery Through Science-Based Management. Edited by Carolyn Hogg, Samantha Fox, David Pemberton and Katherine Belov 2019. CSIRO Publishing (BOOK REVIEW). Pacific Conservation Biology 26, p. 430

Ahrens CW, Andrew M, Mazanec R, Ruthrof KX, Challis A, Hardy G et al. [Byrne M] (2020). Plant functional traits differ in adaptability and are predicted to be differentially affected by climate change. Ecology and Evolution 10, pp. 232–248

Alahakoon AACB, Perera GAD, Merritt DJ, Turner SR, Gama-Arachchige NS (2020). Species-specific smoke effects on seed germination of plants from different habitats from Sri Lanka. Flora 263,

Algar D, Johnston M, Tiller C, Onus M, Fletcher J, Desmond G et al. [Hamilton N] (2020). Feral cat eradication on Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia. Biological Invasions 22, pp. 1037–1054

Algar D, Morris K, Asher J, Cowen S (2020). Dirk Hartog Island, Return to 1616 Project: the first six years (2014 to 2019). Ecological Management and Restoration 21, pp. 173–183

Algar D, O’Donoghue M, Quinn J, Johnston M (2020). Hisstory® feral cat bait: report to Australian Government, National Landcare Programme, June 2020. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 33 p.

Alsih A, Leopold M, Murphy D, McGrath G (2020). Thermal imaging of a hydrophobic soil’s response to surfactant application at the Avon River Catchment Critical Zone Observatory. Geoderma 368,

Anderson H, Valentine LE, Hardy GE St J, Flemming PA (2020). Relationship between the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) tree decline in Western Australia. Australian Mammalogy 42, pp. 67–76

Anderson N, Fontaine J, Walden L, Lewandrowski W, Ruthrof K (2020). Ecophysiological mechanisms underpinning resilience to climate change in the northern jarrah forest (Western Australia) (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts: Ecological Society of Australia, 60th Anniversary Conference, 30 November-4 December 2020 pp. 4–5

Arthur K, Whiting S, Pendoley K (2020). Light pollution guidelines to protect marine turtles. Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter 32, pp. 47–49

Ayre B (2020). Introduced bees and native plants: friends, foes or acquaintances?. For People & Plants 109, pp. 22–25

Ayre BM, Roberts DG, Phillips RD, Hopper SD, Krauss SL (2020). Effectiveness of native nectar-feeding birds and the introduced Apis mellifera as pollinators of the kangaroo paw, Anigozanthos manglesii (Haemodoraceae). Australian Journal of Botany 68, pp. 14–25

Bain K, Wayne AF, Bencini R (2020). Spatial ecology of the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) in the southern forests of Western Australia: implications for the maintenance, or restoration, of functional metapopulations. Australian Mammalogy 42, pp. 38–47

Ball JW, Robinson TP, Wardell-Johnson GW, Bovill J, Byrne M, Nevill PG (2020). Fine-scale species distribution modelling and genotyping by sequencing to examine hybridisation between two narrow endemic plant species. Scientific Reports 10,

Bates B, Dowdy A, McCaw L (2020). Investigation of relationship between large-scale climate variability modes and lightning-ignited wildfires in the Warren region, Western Australia: preliminary results (ABSTRACT). In Abstract Book: AMOS Annual Conference 2020, Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges, 10-14 February 2020 p. 224

Beatty SJ, Ramsay A, Pinder AM, Morgan DL (2020). Reservoirs act as footholds for an invasive freshwater crayfish. Pacific Conservation Biology 26, pp. 78–83

Beca G, Palmer B, Valentine L, Erickson T, Hobbs R (2020). Gut-passage time and viability of seeds consumed by Australian marsupials (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts: Ecological Society of Australia, 60th Anniversary Conference, 30 November-4 December 2020 pp. 9–10

Beca G, Valentine LE, Hopkins AJM, Erickson TE, Power MWP, Beecham BC et al. (2020). The role of woylies as potential agents in restoring degraded landscapes (ABSTRACT). In Australasian Wildlife Management Society 33rd Annual Conference: 8-10 December 2020, Online Australia: Book of Abstracts p. 21

Benkwitt CE, Wilson SK, Graham NAJ (2020). Biodiversity increases ecosystem functions despite multiple stressors on coral reefs. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4, pp. 919–926

Bentley B, Whiting S, Mitchell N (2020). End of the line? Nesting phenology shifts unable to mitigate adverse impacts of climate change on winter nesting sea turtles (ABSTRACT). In Proceedings of the 4th Australian Marine Turtle Symposium, 8-10 September 2018, Bundaberg, Queensland p. 33

Bentley BP, Kearney MR, Whiting SD, Mitchell NJ (2020). Microclimate modelling of beach sand temperatures reveals high spatial and temporal variation at sea turtle rookeries. Journal of Thermal Biology 88,

Bentley BP, Stubbs JL, Whiting SD, Mitchell NJ (2020). Variation in thermal traits describing sex determination and development in Western Australian sea turtle populations. Functional Ecology 34, pp. 2302–2314

Berto B, Erickson TE, Ritchie AL (2020). Flash flaming improves flow properties of Mediterranean grasses used for direct seeding. Plants 9, pp.

Bieroza M, Dupas R, Glendell M, McGrath G, Mellander P-E (2020). Hydrological and chemical controls on nutrient and contaminant loss to water in agricultural landscapes. Water 12,

Binks RM, Wilkins CF, Markey AS, Lyons MN, Byrne M (2020). Genomic data and morphological re-assessment reveals synonymy and hybridisation among Seringia taxa (Lasiopetaleae, Malvaceae) in remote north-western Australia. Taxon 69, pp. 307–320

Blythman M (2020). Taking heed of bird seed. Landscope 35(4), pp. 20–23

Blythman M, Lohr C, Sims C, Morris K (2020). Translocation of golden bandicoots, Isoodon auratus barrowensis, from a fenced enclosure to unfenced managed land on Matuwa (formally Lorna Glen) in September 2015: final report. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Woodvale, WA. 43 p.

Blythman M, Porter G (2020). Movement of introduced little corellas Cacatua sanguinea and long-billed corellas Cacatua tenuirostris in south-western Western Australia. Australian Field Ornithology 37, pp. 48–55

Bougher NL, Barrett MD (2020). Fungi and slime moulds recorded in surveys at Kings Park and Bold Park, urban bushlands, Perth, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 31, pp. 191–251

Braby MF, Edwards ED, Williams AAE (2020). A new species of sun-moth, Synemon kimberleyensis sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Castniidae), from the Kimberley in Western Australia. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 74, pp. 31–42

Braby MF, Williams MR, Coppen RAM, Williams AAE, Franklin DC (2020). Patterns of species richness and endemism of butterflies and day-flying moths in the monsoon tropics of northern Australia. Biological Conservation 241,

Bradfield K, Lambert C, Williams K (2020). Recovering the white-bellied frog in south-west Western Australia: successes, challenges and the importance of collaborations (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts, Oral Presentations: WCH9, 9th World Congress of Herpetology, 5-10 January 2020, Dunedin, New Zealand p. 63

Breshears D, Field JP, Law D, Barron-Gafford G, Acuna K, Barnes ML et al. [Ruthrof K] (2020). From chronic warming to acute heat waves: an under-appreciated threat for tree mortality? (ABSTRACT). In ESA2020, Ecological Society of America: Harnessing the Ecological Data Revolution, August 3-August 6, 2020 pp. 1–2

Brown A (2020). Eremophilas of Western Australia. Australian Plants 30, pp. 298–301

Burrows N (2020). Expert opinion. In Prescribed Burning in Australasia: the Science, Practice and Politics of Burning the Bush Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council, East Melbourne. pp. 209–211

Burrows N, Rampant P, Loewenthal G, Wills A (2020). Fire, plant species richness and plants of significance to Australian desert Aboriginal people. International Journal of Wildland Fire 29, pp. 939–942

Butcher R (2020). Kunzea dracopetrensis (Myrtaceae: Leptospermeae), an uncommon new species from Western Australia’s south-eastern wheatbelt. Nuytsia 31, pp. 117–123

Butcher R (2020). Tephrosia cardiophylla (Fabaceae: Millettieae), a distinctive, new, conservation-listed species from Western Australia’s Kimberley sandstones. Nuytsia 31, pp. 47–51

Byrne M, Murphy DJ (2020). The origins and evolutionary history of xerophytic vegetation in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 68, pp. 195–207

Cale D, Pinder A (2020). Wheatbelt wetland biodiversity monitoring: fauna monitoring at Goonaping Swamp 1998-2012. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 23 p.

Cale D, Pinder A (2020). Wheatbelt wetland biodiversity monitoring: fauna monitoring at Wheatfield Lake 1997-2011. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 32 p.

Cale DJ (2020). Little Darkin Swamp aquatic invertebrate survey. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 28 p.

Ceccarelli DM, Evans RD, Logan M, Mantel P, Puotinen M, Petus C et al. (2020). Long-term dynamics and drivers of coral and macroalgal cover on inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Ecological Applications 30,

Cendón DI, Rutherford J, Hankin S (2020). Hydrogeochemical and isotopic assessment of groundwater recharge at Toolibin Lake, WA: prepared for Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA by ANSTO Environment. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 121 p.

Chambers B, Dunlop J, Wayne A (2020). Felixer™ grooming trap non-target safety trial: numbats, July 2020. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 8 p.

Chan R, Dunlop J, Spencer PBS (2020). Highly promiscuous paternity in mainland and island populations of the endangered northern quoll. Journal of Zoology 310, pp. 210–220

Chapman AD, Belbin L, Zermoglio PF, Wieczorek J, Morris PJ, Nicholls M et al. [James SA] (2020). Developing standards for improved data quality and for selecting fit for use biodiversity data. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 4,

Chapman J, Zdunic K (2020). Red Hill annual desktop fire regime monitoring, 2019. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 42 p.

Chapman J, Zdunic K (2020). Yarraloola annual desktop fire regime monitoring, 2019. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 43 p.

Chua M, Erickson TE, Merritt DJ, Chilton AM, Ooi MKJ, Muñoz-Rojas M (2020). Bio-priming seeds with cyanobacteria: effects on native plant growth and soil properties. Restoration Ecology 28, pp. S168–S176

Cinner JE, Zamborain-Mason J, Gurney GG, Graham NAJ, MacNeil MA, Hoey AS et al. [Wilson SK] (2020). Meeting fisheries, ecosystem function and biodiversity goals in a human-dominated world. Science 368, pp. 307–311

Clarke A, Lane J, Pinder A (2020). Daytime not night-time foraging by Australasian bitterns. Western Australian Bird Notes pp. 30–31

Cochrane A (2020). Temperature thresholds for germination in 20 short-range endemic plant species from a greenstone belt in southern Western Australia. Plant Biology 22, pp. 103–112

Cochrane JA (2020). Thermal requirements underpinning germination allude to risk of species decline from climate warming. Plants 9,

Collett S, Crewe T, Radford I, Cambell H (2020). Sympatric finches use different foraging strategies to overcome resource limitations (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts: Ecological Society of Australia, 60th Anniversary Conference, 30 November-4 December 2020 pp. 23–24

Comer S, Clausen L, Cowen S, Pinder J, Thomas A, Burbidge AH et al. [Algar D] (2020). Integrating feral cat (Felis catus) control into landscape-scale introduced predator control to improve conservation management for threatened fauna: a case study from the south coast of Western Australia. Wildlife Research 47, pp. 762–778

Comer S, Thomas A, Ford S, Hill S (2020). Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) western ground parrot spring update. Friends of the Western Ground Parrot Newsletter 87, p. 2

Commander LE, Merino-Martin L, Elliott CP, Miller BP, Dixon K, Stevens J (2020). Demographic, seed and microsite limitations to seedling recruitment in semi-arid mine site restoration. Plant and Soil 457, pp. 113–129

Coote M (2020). Celebrating 30 years of Ramsar wetlands in Perth-Peel. Bushland News 115, pp. 3–4

Corey B, Andersen AN, Legge S, Woinarski JCZ, Radford IJ, Perry JJ (2020). Better biodiversity accounting is needed to prevent bioperversity and maximize co-benefits from savanna burning. Conservation Letters 31,

Cowan M, Birch N, Dunlop J (2020). Targeted surveys for northern quolls in the Chichester Ranges 2019: report prepared for Roy Hill Pty Ltd, August 2020. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 38 p.

Cowan M, Blythman M, Angus J, Gibson L (2020). Relocation and post-release monitoring of western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) displaced from an urban development site. Animals 10,

Cowan M, Dunlop J (2020). Northern quoll targeted surveys in the Chichester Ranges: a six-year summary: report prepared for Roy Hill Pty Ltd, December 2020. 52 p.

Cowan M, Dunlop J, Moore H (2020). Northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) home range synopsis. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 33 p.

Cowan M, Dunlop J, Turner J, Moore H, Nimmo D (2020). Artificial refuges to combat habitat loss for an endangered marsupial predator: how do they measure up?. Conservation Science and Practice 2,

Cowan M, Moro D, Anderson H, Angus J, Garretson S, Morris K (2020). Aerial baiting for feral cats is unlikely to affect survivorship of northern quolls in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Wildlife Research 47,

Cowan MA, Shepherd B, Doughty P, Bamford M (2020). Report on the finding of introduced species, Saproscincus rosei (Rose’s shadeskink), on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 6 p.

Cowen S, Rayner K, Sims C, Friend T, Knox F, Ottewell K et al. [Gibson L] (2020). Dirk Hartog Island National Park Ecological Restoration Project: stage two, year two, translocation and monitoring report. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 64 p.

Cowen S, Sims C, Lambert C, Friend T (2020). Stepping closer to 1616: more mammals return to Dirk Hartog Island. Landscope 35(4), pp. 38–41

Cowen S, Sims C, Ottewell K (2020). Monitoring and translocation of banded and rufous hare-wallabies. Available at DBCA, Kensington, WA. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Western Australia, Information Sheet 96/2020, 2 p.

Cowen S, Smith M, McArthur S, Ottewell K (2020). Scats all you got? Developing faecal monitoring techniques to evaluate translocation success of trap-shy mammal species (ABSTRACT). In Australian Mammal Society Online Conference, Lismore 2020: Book of Abstracts p. 12

Crawford A (2020). Seed conservation in Western Australia. PowerPoint presentation at Morley Wider Visions Club, 30 July 2020. 41 p.

Crawford A, Cuneo P, Phillips G, Duval D, Guerin J, Wood J et al. (2020). Seed banks respond to the bushfires with collecting, research and restoration. Australasian Plant Conservation 29(1), pp. 35–37

Crawford A, Kelly A (2020). Seed quality of Eucalyptus rhomboidea, Hakea pendens and Marianthus aquilonaris seed collections collected by Botanica Consulting for Audalia Resources Limited. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 7 p.

Crawford A, Phoebe T (2020). Woodlupine Primary School and the Western Australian Seed Centre. Australasian Plant Conservation 28(3), pp. 24–25

Crayn D, Lum M, Cantrill D, Syme A, Byrne M, Simpson L (2020). Genomics for Australian Plants consortium update. Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 184, pp. 8–9

Crayn DM, Hislop M, Puente-Lelievre C (2020). A phylogenetic recircumscription of Styphelia (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae). Australian Systematic Botany 33, pp. 137–168

Cross S, Tomlinson S, Craig M, Bateman B (2020). Using monitors to monitor restoration: how does Australia’s largest lizard respond to mine site restoration? (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts, Oral Presentations: WCH9, 9th World Congress of Herpetology, 5-10 January 2020, Dunedin, New Zealand p. 120

Cross SL, Craig MD, Tomlinson S, Bateman PW (2020). I don’t like crickets, I love them: invertebrates are an important prey source for varanid lizards. Journal of Zoology 310, pp. 323–333

Cross SL, Craig MD, Tomlinson S, Dixon KW, Bateman PW (2020). Using monitors to monitor ecological restoration: presence may not indicate persistence. Austral Ecology 45, pp. 921–932

Cross SL, Tomlinson S, Craig MD, Bateman PW (2020). The Time Local Convex Hull method as a tool for assessing responses of fauna to habitat restoration: a case study using the perentie (Varanus giganteus: Reptilia: Varanidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 67, pp. 27–37

D'Cruz E, Raudino H, Waples K (2020). Lalang-garram Joint Management Body tropical inshore jigeedany (dolphin) survey in Lalang-garram marine parks, 10-18 Sept 2020. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 26 p.

D’Cruz E (2020). Water quality: seawater temperature monitoring in Lalang-garram marine parks. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 2 p.

D’Cruz E (2020). Water quality: seawater temperature monitoring in north Kimberley marine parks. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 2 p.

Dadzie FA, Moles A, Erickson T, Muñoz-Rojas M (2020). Native microorganisms improve seedling emergence of Acacia inaequilatera but not Triodia epactia during dryland restoration (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts: Ecological Society of Australia, 60th Anniversary Conference, 30 November-4 December 2020 pp. 26–27

Dalziell EL, Lewandrowski W, Merritt DJ. (2020). Increased salinity reduces seed germination and impacts upon seedling development in Nymphaea L. (Nymphaeaceae) from northern Australia’s freshwater wetlands. Aquatic Botany 165,

Davis R, Lohr C (2020). Western spotted frogs in the wheatbelt. Landscope 35(4), pp. 42–46

Davis RW (2020). Gomphrena verecunda (Amaranthaceae), a modest new species from Western Australia’s arid zone. Nuytsia 31, pp. 175–178

Davis RW (2020). Grevillea hystrix (Proteaceae), a poorly known species from sandplain country in Western Australia’s Coolgardie bioregion. Nuytsia 31, pp. 79–82

Davis RW, Hammer TA (2020). A key to the species of Swainsona (Fabaceae) in Western Australia and description of S. katjarra from the Little Sandy Desert region, Western Australia. Swainsona 33, pp. 143–148

Davis RW, Hislop M (2020). Acacia lachnocarpa (Fabaceae), a new, geographically restricted wattle from the Coolgardie bioregion of Western Australia. Nuytsia 31, pp. 213–216

Davis RW, Rye BL (2020). Life on the rocks: Darwinia sphaerica (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae), a new species currently known from one granite outcrop. Nuytsia 31, pp. 233–237

Davison E, Knight K, Hart R (2020). Obituary: Margaret Helen Brims, 23 April 1932-13 December 2018. Western Australian Naturalist 31, pp. 182–186

Davison EM, Giustiniano D (2020). Amanita hiltonii (Amanitaceae), a common but frequently misidentified mushroom in southwestern Australia, and reconsideration of A. albifimbriata and A. brunneibulbosa. Muelleria 39, pp. 59–73

Davison EM, Giustiniano D, Haska J (2020). Clarification of the type locality of Amanita peltigera (Agaricales, Amanitaceae), phylogenetic placement within subgenus Amanitina, and an expanded description. Swainsona 33, pp. 51–61

Daw B, Walley T, Keighery G (2020). Bush Tucker Plants of the South-West. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Western Australia, Bush Books 64 p.

DBCA (2020). Global loggerhead satellite telemetry: [DBCA dataset supplied for southeast Indian Ocean]. SWOT Report 15, pp. 32–33, 49–50

DBCA (2020). Using remote piloted aircraft (RPA) to collect ground information for image analysis, 2020 edition: a technical guide for different environments in Western Australia. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 42 p.

de Tores PJ (2020). Native fauna response to large scale fox control in the northern jarrah forest of south-west Western Australia: Operation Foxglove. Thesis (Ph.D.) University of New South Wales. 360 p.

Delnevo N, van Etten EJ, Byrne M, Petraglia A, Carbognani M, Stock WD (2020). Habitat fragmentation restricts insect pollinators and pollen quality in a threatened Proteaceae species. Biological Conservation 252,

Delnevo N, van Etten EJ, Clemente N, Fogu L, Pavarani E, Byrne M et al. (2020). Pollen adaptation to ant pollination: a case study from the Proteaceae. Annals of Botany 126, pp. 377–386

Densmore VS (2020). Prescribed burning as a conservation tool: the impacts of fuel moisture, questions and answers. Video presentation at National Fire Fuels Science Webinar: The practice of hazard reduction burning, 20th May 2020. Available at

Densmore VS (2020). Prescribed burning as a conservation tool: the impacts of fuel moisture. Video presentation at National Fire Fuels Science Webinar: The practice of hazard reduction burning, 20th May 2020. Available at

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia (2020). Freshwater pest: redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (PAMPHLET). DPIRD, South Perth. 6 p.

Dillon SJ, Barrett RL, Shepherd KA (2020). Corchorus fitzroyensis (Malvaceae: Grewioideae), a new, poorly known species from Western Australia’s Kimberley region. Nuytsia 31, pp. 83–87

Dillon SJ, Macfarlane TD (2020). Leeuwen’s lily (Arthropodium vanleeuwenii: Asparagaceae), a remarkable new discovery from the Pilbara, Western Australia. Nuytsia 31, pp. 265–269

Dodd J, Rippey E, Harvey J (2020). Watching over Wadjemup: Rottnest Island's loyal volunteers. Landscope 36(2), pp. 40–45

Duncan RP, Dexter N, Wayne A, Hone J (2020). Eruptive dynamics are common in managed mammal populations. Ecology 101,

Dunlop J, Davie H, Nelson J, Read J (2020). Felixer™ feral cat grooming trap trials in the presence of northern quolls. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 10 p.

Dunlop J, Peacock D, Moore H, Cowan M (2020). Albinism in Dasyurus species: a collation of historical and modern records. Australian Mammalogy 42, pp. 114–118

Dziminski M, Carpenter F (2020). Abundance monitoring of bilbies at Mount Gibson Sanctuary, Western Australia, using DNA extracted from scats. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Woodvale, WA. 4 p.

Dziminski M, Carpenter F, Morris F (2020). Abundance monitoring in 2019 of bilbies at Warralong, Western Australia, using DNA extracted from scats. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Woodvale, WA. 9 p.

Dziminski MA, Carpenter FM, Morris F (2020). Range of the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) in the Pilbara region, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 103, pp. 97–102

Edgeloe J, Sinclair E (2020). Unravelling the mystery of Shark Bay seagrass reproduction. For People & Plants 110, pp. 30–33

Eggertsen M, Chacin DH, van Lier J, Eggertsen L, Fulton CJ, Wilson S et al. (2020). Seascape configuration and fine-scale habitat complexity shape parrotfish distribution and function across a coral reef lagoon. Diversity 12,

Eldridge MDB, Deakin JE, MacDonald AJ, Byrne M, Fitzgerald A, Johnson RN et al. (2020). The Oz Mammal Genomics (OMG) initiative: developing genomic resources for mammal conservation at a continental scale. Australian Zoologist 40, pp. 505–509

Elliott C, Lewandrowski W, Turner S, Krauss S, Merritt D, Miller B et al. [Stevens J] (2020). Tetratheca erubescens translocation, annual research report 3 for Mineral Resources Limited, March 2019 to March 2020. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kings Park, W.A.. 80 p.

Erickson T, Merritt D (2020). Global Innovation Linkages Program round 1: progress report. Kings Park and Botanic Garden, West Perth. 12 p.

Etchells H, O’Donnell AJ, McCaw WL, Grierson PF (2020). Fire severity impacts on tree mortality and post-fire recruitment in tall eucalypt forests of southwest Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 459,

Evans RD, Wilson SK, Fisher R, Ryan NM, Babcock R, Blakeway D et al. (2020). Early recovery dynamics of turbid coral reefs after recurring bleaching events. Journal of Environmental Management 268,

Farr JD (2020). Herbarium specimens provide historical evidence of Cardiaspina jerramungae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea, Aphalaridae) outbreaks on Eucalyptus occidentalis in the lower great southern of Western Australia. Austral Entomology 59,

Feng S, Stiller J, Deng Y, Armstrong J, Fang Q, Hart Reeve A et al. [Cowen SJ] (2020). Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature 587, pp. 252–257

FitzSimmons NN, Pittard SD, McIntyre N, Jensen MP, Guinea M, Hamann M et al. [Prince RT, Tucker AD, Whiting S] (2020). Phylogeography, genetic stocks, and conservation implications for an Australian endemic marine turtle. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30, pp. 440–460

FitzSimmons NN, Stewart D. Pittard SD, McIntyre N, Jensen MP, Guinea M, et al. [Prince B, Tucker AD, Whiting S] (2020). Population genetics of flatback turtles: behavioural insights and conservation implications (ABSTRACT). In Proceedings of the 4th Australian Marine Turtle Symposium, 8-10 September 2018, Bundaberg, Queensland pp. 45–46

Friend JA, Hill R, Macmahon B, Bell L, Button T, Mosen C et al. [Hill S] (2020). Are red-tailed phascogales (Phascogale calura) at risk from Eradicat® cat baits?. Wildlife Research 47, pp. 747–761

Fulton CJ, Berkström C, Wilson SK, Abesamis RA, Bradley M, Åkerlund C et al. [Evans RD, Holmes TH] (2020). Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes. Fish and Fisheries 21, pp. 700–717

Gammon M, Fossette S, McGrath G, Mitchell N (2020). A systematic review of metabolic heat in sea turtle nests and methods to model its impact on hatching success. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, pp.

Gammon M, McGrath G, Fossette S, Mitchell N (2020). Metabolic heat in sea turtle nests: does it matter? (ABSTRACT). In Book of Abstracts, Oral Presentations: WCH9, 9th World Congress of Herpetology, 5-10 January 2020, Dunedin, New Zealand p. 183

Gibbons KL, Dillon SJ (2020). Paranotis halfordii (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae), a new species from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, in a recently described Australian genus. Telopea 23, pp. 205–212

Gosper CR, Prober SM (2020). Using a multi-century post-fire chronosequence to develop criteria to distinguish Prior and Bowman’s (2020) post-fire obligate coloniser and fire-intolerant flora. Fire 3,

Graham NAJ, Robinson JPW, Smith SE, Govinden R, Gendron G, Wilson SK (2020). Changing role of coral reef marine reserves in a warming climate. Nature Communication 11,

Grigg AH, Kinal J (2020). On the contribution of groundwater to streamflow in laterite catchments of the Darling Range, south-western Australia. Hydrological Processes 34, pp. 5070–5084

Gunn BF, Murphy DJ, Walsh NG, Conran JG, Pires JC, Macfarlane TD et al. (2020). Evolution of Lomandroideae: multiple origins of polyploidy and biome occupancy in Australia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 149,

Hammer TA (2020). Taxonomic evaluation of Ptilotus manglesii (Amaranthaceae) and recognition of P. davisii for two phrase names in south-west Western Australia. Swainsona 33, pp. 103–109

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