
Over the years research staff employed by the Government of Western Australia have produced many papers on the Western Australian flora and fauna.

Research dating back to 1896 is available and represents the first database of the research conducted on Western Australia's flora, fauna and forest since the establishment of Government in the 1890s.

Research by the following departments and agencies is available:

  • Forests Department (1896–1984)
  • Departments of Fisheries, Fisheries & Fauna and Fisheries & Wildlife (1898-1984)
  • State Gardens Board (1920–1956)
  • National Parks Board & Authority (1956–1984)
  • Government Botanist & forest entomologists of the Department of Agriculture (1897-1928)
  • State & Western Australian Herbarium (Department of Agriculture, 1921–1988)
  • Department of Conservation and Land Management (now Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) Research Division (RD), Science and Information Division (SID), CALMScience Division (CSD), Science Division (SD), Science and Conservation Division (SCD) and Biodiversity and Conservation Science (BCS; 1985–present)

What is included? What is excluded?

Journal articles, books, unpublished reports, abstracts, 16 mm films, videos, slides, CDs and ephemeral items such as posters, pamphlets and wall charts have all been included.

As this bibliography is on Western Australian flora and fauna by staff of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and its predecessors, papers and reports on topics such as general departmental management, sheep, wheat, commercial marine fisheries, trout, etc. have been excluded. Also excluded are papers by staff of other Government departments and authorities such as the Western Australian Museum.

For more information

Most of the titles in this database can be found within the catalogue of the DBCA Library.


Found 277 items


Abbott I (1999). Dieback in flooded gum. Western Wildlife: Newsletter of the Land for Wildlife Scheme 3(4), p. 3

Abbott I (1999). Focus on old forests as salinity disaster looms (LETTER). West Australian Feb 12, p. 15

Abbott I (1999). Forest letter had errors (LETTER). Melville Fremantle Community Newspaper May 11, p. 9

Abbott I (1999). Key words in paper were overlooked (LETTER). Bunbury Mail Mar 31, p. 8

Abbott I (1999). Proposals for the future direction in CALM of research in invertebrate and fungal biology in the forests and plantations of southwest Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 19 p.

Abbott I (1999). R.E. Johnstone and G.M. Storr. Handbook of Western Australian birds. Volume 1, non-passerines (emu to dollarbird). Published 1998, Western Australian Museum (BOOK REVIEW). Western Australian Bird Notes 90, pp. 11–12

Abbott I (1999). The avifauna of the forests of south-west Western Australia: changes in species composition, distribution and abundance following anthropogenic disturbance. 5, pp. 1–176

Abbott I, Burbidge T, Wills A (1999). 1999 jarrah leafminer survey (MAP). Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA.

Abbott I, Burrows N (1999). Biodiversity conservation in the forests and associated vegetation types of southwest Western Australia. Australian Forestry 62, pp. 27–32

Abbott I, Christensen P (1999). Conservation of biota and maintenance of ecological processes in the southwest forests of Western Australia: the roles of legislation, policy, strategic planning, operations management, science and monitoring. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 40 p.

Abbott I, Williams M (1999). Healing the land: the reconstruction of habitat. Landscope 15(1), pp. 49–52

Abbott I, Wills A, Burbidge T (1999). Historical incidence of Perthida leafminer species (Lepidoptera) in southwest Western Australia based on herbarium specimens. Australian Journal of Ecology 24, pp. 144–150

Abbott I, Wills A, Burbidge T (1999). Reinfestation of Eucalyptus marginata ground coppice by jarrah leafminer after scorch by autumn or spring fires. Australian Forestry 62, pp. 160–165

Abbott I, Wills A, Burbidge T (1999). The impact of canopy development on arthropod faunas in recently established Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Western Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 121, pp. 147–158

Aggangan RT, O'Connell AM, McGrath JF, Dell B (1999). The effects of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. leaf litter on C and N mineralization in soils from pasture and native forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31, pp. 1481–1487

Albrow MD, Beaulieu J-P, Caldwell JAR, Depoy DL, Dominik M, Gaudi BS et al. [Martin R, Williams A] (1999). A complete set of solutions for caustic crossing binary microlensing events. Astrophysical Journal 522, pp. 1022–1036

Albrow MD, Beaulieu J-P, Caldwell JAR, Depoy DL, Dominik M, Gaudi BS et al. [Martin R, Williams A] (1999). The relative lens-source proper motion in MACHO 98-SMC-1. Astrophysical Journal 512, pp. 672–677

Albrow MD, Beaulieu J-P, Caldwell JAR, Dominik M, Greenhill J, Hill K et al. [Martin R, Williams A] (1999). Limb darkening of a K giant in the galactic bulge: planet photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-28. Astrophysical Journal 522, pp. 1011–1021

Algar D, Angus GJ, Sinagra JA (1999). Preliminary assessment of a trapping technique to measure feral cat abundance. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 16 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Biological survey of the major benthic habitats of the Geographe Bay-Capes-Hardy Inlet region (Geographe Bay to Flinders Bay), 28 January-8 February. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Field Programme Report MRI/CF/GBC 18/1999, 31 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Biological survey of the southern portion of Ningaloo Reef. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Final Report MRI/MW/NSE 29/1999, 22 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Broadscale habitat map and biological data of the major benthic habitats of the proposed southern extension to Ningaloo Marine Park (Amherst Point to Red Bluff). Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Data Report MRI/MW/NSE-30/2000, 41 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Marine biological survey for a marine protected area in the Geographe Bay-Capes-Hardy Inlet region. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Progress Report MRI/CF/GBC 26/1999, 102 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Planning and pre-declaration processes for a marine protected area in Dampier Archipelago region. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch Progress Report MRI/PI/DA 21/1999, 81 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Planning and pre-declaration processes for a marine protected area in the Geographe Bay-Capes-Hardy Inlet region. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Progress Report MRI/CF/GBC 23/1999, 42 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Planning and pre-declaration processes for a marine protected area in the Montebello/Barrow islands region. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch Progress Report MRI/PI/MBI 22/1999, 82 p.

Bancroft KP (1999). Resource assessment field survey of the Montebello/Barrow Islands and the Dampier Archipelago/Cape Preston regions, 14-25 June 1999. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Field Programme Report MRI/PI/MBI & DA 20/1999, 24 p.

Bancroft KP, Lapwood M (1999). Biological verification of the major benthic habitats of the proposed southern extension to the Ningaloo Marine Park (Amherst Point to Red Bluff), 18-24 October 1999. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Marine Conservation Branch, Fremantle. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Marine Conservation Branch, Field Programme Report MRI/MW/NSE 24/1999, 36 p.

Beard JS, Chapman AR, Gioia P (1999). Species richness and endemism in the Western Australian flora: an updated assessment in comparison with other Mediterranean regions (POSTER).

Biggs J (1999). Archiving programme volunteer duty statement. - Version 1.0. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 6 p.

Biggs J (1999). Expert Examiner's Department, Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 (Commonwealth): Re: Frodsham regulator #1062. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 5 p.

Biggs J (1999). Star viewing night: volunteer guide duty statement. - Version 3.0. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 6 p.

Biggs J, Birch P (1999). Notes from the institutions: Perth Observatory report, March 1999. Astronomical Society of Australia, Newsletter 23, pp. 10–12

Birch P (1999). Analysis of visitor survey forms used for Perth Observatory tours, October 1998-May 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 11 p.

Birch PV (1999). Perth Observatory performance indicator derivation methodology. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 50 p.

Birch PV (1999). Perth Observatory plays starring role. West Australian Education Review Term 1, p. 34

Blyth J, Burbidge A (1999). Threatened & rare birds of Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Bush Books 72 p.

Bonnet X, Bradshaw D, Shine R, Pearson D (1999). Why do snakes have eyes?: the (non-)effect of blindness in island tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46, pp. 267–272

Bougher NL (1999). New species of Torrendia (Fungi: Agaricales) from remnant woodlands in the wheatbelt region of Western Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 12, pp. 145–156

Bougher NL (1999). The poisonous green-gilled fungus Chlorophyllum molybdites in south western Australia. Australasian Mycologist 18, pp. 60–80

Bougher NL, Courtenay J, Danks A, Tommerup IC (1999). Fungi as a key dietary component of Australia's most critically endangered mammal: Gilbert's potoroo (Potorous gilbertii) (POSTER ABSTRACT). In ESA99, Ecological Connections: Handbook of the 1999 Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Inc.: Fremantle, Western Australia, 26 September to 1 October 1999 p. 117

Brand JE, Ryan PC, Williams MR (1999). Establishment and growth of sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) in south-western Australia: the Northampton pilot trial. Australian Forestry 62, pp. 33–37

Broadhurst L, Byrne M, Coates D, Maslin B (1999). Genetic divergence and phylogeny in the Acacia acuminata (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) complex (ABSTRACT). In Conference Abstracts: 46th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Australia Inc. at Griffith University, Wednesday, 14 July to Friday, 16 July 1999 p. 20

Broadhurst LM, Byrne M, Coates DJ, Maslin BR (1999). Genetic divergence and phylogeny in the Acacia acuminata (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) complex (POSTER ABSTRACT). In XVI International Botanical Congress: St. Louis, USA, August 1-7, 1999: Abstracts p. 392

Broadhurst LM, Coates DJ, Tan BH (1999). Genetic diversity in the monospecific Western Australian endemic, Geleznowia verrucosa Turcz. (Rutaceae). Heredity 82, pp. 292–299

Buist ML, Yates CJ, Dixon K, Sivasithamparam K (1999). The ecological growth characteristics of the critically endangered Acacia sciophanes and Acacia lobulata and factors limiting the growth of their populations (ABSTRACT). In ESA99, Ecological Connections: Handbook of the 1999 Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Inc.: Fremantle, Western Australia, 26 September to 1 October 1999 pp. 42–43

Burbidge A (1999). Ground parrot surveys. Watsnu: the Newsletter of the Western Australian Threatened Species and Communities Unit 6(2), p. 4

Burbidge A (1999). Identification of crows and ravens. Western Australian Bird Notes 90, pp. 12–14

Burbidge A (1999). Listing threatened species and ecological communities. Watsnu: the Newsletter of the Western Australian Threatened Species and Communities Unit 6(1), pp. 2–3

Burbidge A (1999). Montebello renewal update. Watsnu: the Newsletter of the Western Australian Threatened Species and Communities Unit 6(2), p. 3

Burbidge A (1999). Searching for ground parrots. Watsnu: the Newsletter of the Western Australian Threatened Species and Communities Unit 6(1), p. 6

Burbidge A (1999). Vincent Serventy: an Australian life: memoirs of a naturalist, conservationist, traveller and writer. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, $19.95 (BOOK REVIEW). Western Australian Bird Notes 90, p. 11

Burbidge A (1999). Western ground parrot interim recovery plan. Eclectus 6, pp. 23–26

Burbidge A (1999). Western Ringtail Possum Recovery Team: annual report, 1998. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 2 p.

Burbidge A, Coates D, Hopper S, Keighery G, Kenneally K, Lowrie A et al. [Rye B] (1999). Dedication to Associate Professor Sid James, 10 July 1933-7 December 1998. Nuytsia 13, pp. 1–2

Burbidge A, Johnstone R (1999). Short-billed or long-billed: which black-cockatoo?. Western Australian Bird Notes 89, pp. 12–14

Burbidge A, Kuchling G, Mutter L, Burford D (1999). Western Swamp Tortoise Recovery Team: annual report, 1998. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 13 p.

Burbidge A, Langford D, Fuller P (1999). Moving mala. Landscope 14(3), pp. 17–21

Burbidge A, Pearson G (1999). A centre of diversity. Landscope 14(3), pp. 36–42

Burbidge AA (1999). Conservation values and management of Australian islands for non-volant mammal conservation. Australian Mammalogy 21, pp. 67–74

Burbidge AA, Harvey M, Main BY (1999). Minnivale trapdoor spider interim recovery plan, 1998-2000. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Interim Recovery Plan 19, 12 p.

Burbidge AH (1999). Cape Arid National Park: park of the month, February 1999. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA. 5 p.

Burbidge AH (1999). First translocations of bristlebirds. Watsnu: the Newsletter of the Western Australian Threatened Species and Communities Unit 6(2), p. 4

Burbidge AH (1999). Western bristlebird research plan: annual report, January 1999. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 4 p.

Burbidge AH (1999). Western ground parrot interim recovery plan: annual report, January 1999. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 8 p.

Burbidge AH, Bamford M (1999). Little ringed plover near Perth. Western Australian Bird Notes 89, pp. 11–12

Burbidge AH, Johnstone R (1999). Historical changes in the bird fauna of the Shark Bay region (ABSTRACT). In Dampier 300: Biodiversity in Australia, 1699-1999 and Beyond, 6 to 10 December 1999: Program and Abstracts p. 31

Burbidge T (1999). Rutherglen bugs. pp. 2–3

Burrows N, Ward B, Robinson A (1999). A guide to predicting fire behaviour and to patch burning in hummock grasslands: version 2. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 13 p.

Burrows N, Ward B, Robinson A (1999). Fire regimes and biodiversity in jarrah forests (ABSTRACT). In Bushfire 99 Conference Program: 6-9 July, 1999, Albury, N.S.W. p. 22

Burrows ND (1999). A soil heating index for interpreting ecological impacts of jarrah forest fires. Australian Forestry 62, pp. 320–329

Burrows ND (1999). Fire behaviour in jarrah forest fuels. 1, laboratory experiments. CALMScience 3, pp. 31–56

Burrows ND (1999). Fire behaviour in jarrah forest fuels. 2, field experiments. CALMScience 3, pp. 57–84

Burrows ND (1999). Fire ecology and management information transfer from Western Australia to New Zealand. Department of Conservation, New Zealand, Science & Research Internal Report 166, 30 p.

Burrows ND, Ward B, Robinson AD (1999). The role of indicators in developing appropriate fire regimes. In Bushfire 99 Proceedings: Australian Bush Fire Conference, Albury Convention and Performing Arts Centre, Albury, Australia: 7-9 July, 1999 Charles Sturt University, School of Environmental & Information Sciences, Albury. pp. 59–68

Burrows ND, Ward B, Robinson AD (1999). The role of indicators in developing appropriate fire regimes. - Draft. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 14 p.

Byrne M (1999). Genetic relationships in the E. kochii group of oil mallees. Dinkum Oil: Oil Mallee Association of W.A. Newsletter 13, pp. 15–17

Byrne M (1999). High genetic identities between three oil mallee taxa, Eucalyptus kochii ssp. kochii, ssp. plenissima and E. horistes based on nuclear RFLP analysis. Heredity 82, pp. 205–211

Byrne M (1999). Intraspecific phylogeography and genetic structure in eucalypt species (ABSTRACT). In Program and Abstracts: Symposium on Molecular Genetics of Eucalypts: University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, 4-5th February, 1999 p. 9

Byrne M (1999). Use of genetic markers in farm forestry: diversity, mating system and DNA fingerprinting (ABSTRACT). In Progress in Farm Forestry Research and Development: Abstracts from a Workshop held on Wednesday, 22 September 1999 at Training Centre, Department of Conservation and Land Management p. 10

Byrne M, Macdonald B (1999). Phylogenetic patterns and mating system variation in the oil mallee Eucalyptus kochii complex (ABSTRACT). In ESA99, Ecological Connections: Handbook of the 1999 Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Inc.: Fremantle, Western Australia, 26 September to 1 October 1999 p. 45

Byrne M, Macdonald B, Coates D (1999). Divergence in the chloroplast genome and nuclear rDNA of the rare Western Australian plant Lambertia orbifolia (Proteaceae). Molecular Ecology 8, pp. 1789–1796

CALM (1999). Eclipse expedition, 16 February 1999 (PAMPHLET). Como, WA.

CALMScience Division (1999). Operations plan: project team plans, 1999-2002. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 232 p.

CALMScience Division (1999). Progress in farm forestry research and development: abstracts from a workshop held on Wednesday 22 September 1999 at Training Centre, Department of Conservation and Land Management. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 10 p.

CALMScience Division (1999). Western Australian Herbarium (PAMPHLET). Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA.

Catchpole W, Bradstock R, Choate J, Fogarty L, Gellie N, McCarthy G et al. [McCaw L] (1999). Cooperative development of prediction equations for fire behaviour in heathlands and shrublands. In Bushfire 99 Proceedings: Australian Bush Fire Conference, Albury Convention and Performing Arts Centre, Albury, Australia: 7-9 July, 1999 Charles Sturt University, School of Environmental & Information Sciences, Albury. pp. 77–83

Catchpole W, Bradstock R, Choate J, Fogarty L, Gellie N, McCarthy G et al. [McCaw L] (1999). Cooperative development of prediction equations for fire behaviour in heathlands and shrublands (ABSTRACT). In Bushfire 99 Conference Program: 6-9 July, 1999, Albury, N.S.W. p. 25

Chapman AR (1999). Biological information systems (ABSTRACT). In Dampier 300: Biodiversity in Australia, 1699-1999 and Beyond, 6 to 10 December 1999: Program and Abstracts p. 32

Chapman AR, Macfarlane TD (1999). Bioinformatics: management and publication of institutional descriptive datasets at the Western Australian Herbarium. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 100, pp. 6–11

Chapman AR, Maslin BR (1999). Acacia miscellany. 20, descriptions of three new Western Australian species of Acacia section Juliflorae (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Nuytsia 12, pp. 487–491

Cheney P, Gould J, McCaw L (1999). Project Vesta: predicting the behaviour of summer fires in dry eucalypt forests with fuels of differing ages (ABSTRACT). In Bushfire 99 Abstracts: 6-9 July, 1999, Albury, N.S.W. p. 1

Coates D, Monks L, Hickman E, Barrett S (1999). Translocation proposal: Kamballup dryandra, Dryandra ionthocarpa A.S.George (Proteaceae), Narrikup form. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA. 9 p.

Coates DJ, Byrne M (1999). Molecular systematics and evolutionary studies in the south-western Australian flora: implications for conservation (ABSTRACT). In Dampier 300: Biodiversity in Australia, 1699-1999 and Beyond, 6 to 10 December 1999: Program and Abstracts pp. 34–35

Coates DJ, Byrne M, Macdonald B, Hankinson M, Ward J (1999). Genetic structure in the priority one species genus sp. Yalgoo (J.M. Ward s.n. 11/7/1999). Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA. 9 p.

Coates DJ, Hamley VL (1999). Genetic divergence and the mating system in the endangered and geographically restricted species Lambertia orbifolia Gardner (Proteaceae). Heredity 83, pp. 418–427

Cochrane A (1999). Seed accreditation: the effects of seed quality and germinability on field establishment. In Sustainable Seed Banks Project Operations Manual Greening Australia (W.A.), Perth. pp. 1–6

Cochrane A (1999). Western Australia's ex situ program: a model integrated strategy for conservation (ABSTRACT). In Program and Abstracts of the Ex Situ Plant Conservation Symposium: Strategies for Survival, September 29-October 1 1999, Chicago USA p. 1

Cochrane A, Brown K, Meeson N, Harding C (1999). The germination requirements of Hemigenia exilis (Lamiaceae): seed plug removal and gibberellic acid as a successful technique to break dormancy in an arid zone shrub from Western Australia. CALMScience 3, pp. 21–30

Cochrane A, Kelly A (1999). Rulingia sp. (Trigwell Bridge) (Sterculiaceae): results from 1999 germination trials on seed from existing and translocated populations: report to the Department of Conservation and Land Management's Central Forest Region. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 6 p.

Cochrane A, Monks L, Brown K, Cunneen S (1999). Conservation biology of Acacia insolita subspecies recurva: a critically endangered endemic of the southern wheatbelt of Western Australia (POSTER ABSTRACT). In ESA99, Ecological Connections: Handbook of the 1999 Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Inc.: Fremantle, Western Australia, 26 September to 1 October 1999 pp. 40–41

Cowan RS, Maslin BR (1999). Acacia miscellany. 17, miscellaneous new taxa and lectotypifications in Western Australian Acacia, mostly section Plurinerves (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Nuytsia 12, pp. 413–452

Cowan RS, Maslin BR (1999). Acacia miscellany. 18, the taxonomy of miscellaneous species of with sharply pungent phyllodes in Acacia section Plurinerves (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). Nuytsia 12, pp. 453–467

Cranfield RJ (1999). A revision of the genus Pericalymma (Myrtaceae). Nuytsia 13, pp. 7–22

Crombie S, McGrath JF (1999). Reconciling productivity and drought risk: a regional perspective. In Balancing Productivity and Drought Risk in Blue Gum Plantations: a Plantation Management Workshop: Jointly Presented by Bunnings Tree Farms, Department of Conservation and Land Management, CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, Timbercorp Eucalypts Limited: November 9th and 10th, 1999, Karri Valley Resort, Pemberton, W.A., Selected Experiments and Operational Plantations Bunnings Tree Farms, Manjimup. pp. 9–12

Dawes G, Wallace K, Northfield P (1999). Astronomy 2000: a practical guide to the night sky. - Western Australian ed... Quasar, Strathfield. 112 p.

De Tores P (1999). Control and ecology of the red fox in Western Australia: prey response to 1080 baiting over large areas: 1997-1998 report to Environment Australia, National Feral Animal Control Program. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 35 p.

De Tores P (1999). Operation Foxglove: summary and overview of control and ecology of the red fox in Western Australia : prey response to 1080 baiting over large areas for the period 1 July 1997 to 30 June 1999. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 17 p.

Dell B, Mattiske E, Nichols O, McGrath J, Morris K (1999). CALM's current forest research and monitoring programs: a confidential report to the Forest Monitoring and Research Committee. Forest Monitoring and Research Committee Working Group, Perth. 48 p.

Dobrowolski MP, Tommerup IC, Shearer BL, O'Brien PA (1999). Genetic diversity of Phytophthora cinnamomi in disease fronts of natural vegetation (POSTER ABSTRACT). In ESA99, Ecological Connections: Handbook of the 1999 Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Inc.: Fremantle, Western Australia, 26 September to 1 October 1999 p. 52

Fang CS (1999). Pest management control: keep it dry!. Plant Press: Western Australian Regional Herbaria Newsletter 6, p. 7

Farr J (1999). Flat-topped yate: what is rural tree decline?. Western Wildlife: Newsletter of the Land for Wildlife Scheme 3(3), pp. 10–11

Franklin EC, Burbidge AH, Dostine PL (1999). The harvest of wild birds for aviculture: an historical perspective on finch trapping in the Kimberley with special emphasis on the Gouldian finch. Australian Zoologist 31, pp. 92–109

Friend T (1999). Still searching for the dibbler. Intercept 29, pp. 1–2

Friend T, Butler T (1999). Gilbert's Potoroo Recovery Team: annual report, 1998. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 16 p.

Fumagalli L, Moritz C, Taberlet P, Friend JA (1999). Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within the remnant populations of the endangered numbat (Marsupialia: Myrmecobiidae: Myrmecobius fasciatus). Molecular Ecology 8, pp. 1545–1549

Gaikhorst G, Johnson B (1999). Action speaks louder than words: a conservation success story: chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii) (ABSTRACT). In Abstracts: ARAZPA/ASZK 1999 Conference, Getting the Message Across, 21-26 March 1999 p. 1

Gaudi BS, Albrow MD, Beaulieu J-P, Caldwell JAR, DePoy DL, Dominik M et al. [Martin R, Williams A] (1999). Microlensing constraints on the frequency of Jupiter mass planets (ABSTRACT). Available at [Accessed 31 Mar 2017]. pp.

George R, Clarke C, Hatton T, Reggiani P, Herbert A, Ruprecht J et al. [Keighery G] (1999). The effect of recharge management on the extent of dryland salinity, flood risk and biodiversity in Western Australia: preliminary computer modelling, assessment and financial analysis: results of a two week modelling contract carried out for the State Salinity Council. Draft. Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, South Perth. 27 p.

Gibson N, Keighery G (1999). Assessment of the nature conservation values of the Byenup-Muir peat swamp system, south western Australia: flora and vegetation. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 167 p.

Gioia P (1999). Mapping the future of the herbarium: the role of geographic information systems in enhancing the value of our vouchered science (ABSTRACT). In Dampier 300: Biodiversity in Australia, 1699-1999 and Beyond, 6 to 10 December 1999: Program and Abstracts p. 44

Gosper CR (1999). Plant food resources of birds in coastal dune communities in New South Wales. Corella 23, pp. 53–62

Gould J, McCaw L, Martin T, Taylor S, Wooton M (1999). Flame measurements in moderate intensity dry eucalypt forest fires in fuels of different ages (ABSTRACT). In Bushfire 99 Abstract: 6-9 July, 1999, Albury, N.S.W. p. 1

Haigh SA, Friend JA (1999). Veterinary aspects of several threatened Western Australian mammal species. AAVCB Newsletter 16, pp. 5–6

Halse S (1999). Diversity and distribution of salt lake invertebrates. In Proceedings of the Salt Lake Ecology Seminar: Wednesday, 7 July, 1999, Perth Zoo Conference Centre Centre for Land Rehabilitation, Perth. pp. 61–73

Halse S (1999). Use of macro-invertebrates for monitoring the condition of W.A. rivers. pp. 1–4

Halse SA, Shiel RJ (1999). The important contribution of micro-invertebrates to aquatic biodiversity in arid Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In Dampier 300: Biodiversity in Australia, 1699-1999 and Beyond, 6 to 10 December 1999: Program and Abstracts p. 47

Harper RJ, Edwards JG, McGrath JF, Reilly TJ, Ward SL (1999). Performance of Eucalyptus globulus plantations in south-western Australia in relation to soils and climate. In Balancing Productivity and Drought Risk in Blue Gum Plantations: a Plantation Management Workshop: Jointly Presented by Bunnings Tree Farms, Department of Conservation and Land Management, CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, Timbercorp Eucalypts Limited: November 9th and 10th, 1999, Karri Valley Resort, Pemberton, W.A., Selected Experiments and Operational Plantations Bunnings Tree Farms, Manjimup. pp. 1–6

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - April 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 4 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - August 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 6 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - February 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 4 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - January 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 4 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - July 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 8 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - June 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 6 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - March 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 5 p.

Harris B (1999). Perth Observatory volunteer newsletter. - May 1999. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 4 p.

Henwood MJ, Keighery GJ, Hart JM (1999). Flannel flower phylogeny: the evolution and diversity of Actinotus (Apiaceae) (ABSTRACT). In Dampier 300: Biodiversity in Australia, 1699-1999 and Beyond, 6 to 10 December 1999: Program and Abstracts pp. 49–50

Herford I, Gillen K, Lloyd M, Hine C, McCaw L, Keighery G et al. (1999). Stirling Range National Park and Porongurup National Park management plan. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Management Plan 42, 72 p.

Hislop M (1999). Notable collections. Plant Press: Western Australian Regional Herbaria Newsletter 7, pp. 2, 8

Hislop M (1999). Synopsis of the plant family Epacridaceae in Western Australia. Western Australian Herbarium, Kensington, WA. 25 p.

Hislop M (1999). Synopsis of the plant family Epacridaceae in Western Australia. Western Australian Herbarium, Perth. 26 p.

Hislop M (1999). Synopsis of the plant family Myrtaceae in Western Australia. Western Australian Herbarium, Como, WA. 23 p.

Hislop M (1999). Synoptic classification of Proteaceae worldwide. Western Australian Herbarium, Kensington, WA. 25 p.

Hislop M (1999). Synoptic classification of Proteaceae worldwide. Department of Conservation and Land Management, pp. 1–23

Hollebon B (1999). Astro-navigation. Perth Observatory, Bickley. 11 p.

Hopkins A (1999). National Land and Water Resources audit vegetation theme: condition of vegetation: a discussion paper.

Hopkins AJM, Morgan R (1999). Conservation of ecosystems and ecological communities in Western Australia: discussion paper. No. 1. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 14 p.

Hopkins AJM, Morgan R (1999). Conservation of ecosystems and ecological communities in Western Australia: discussion paper. No. 2. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 60 p.

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