
Over the years research staff employed by the Government of Western Australia have produced many papers on the Western Australian flora and fauna.

Research dating back to 1896 is available and represents the first database of the research conducted on Western Australia's flora, fauna and forest since the establishment of Government in the 1890s.

Research by the following departments and agencies is available:

  • Forests Department (1896–1984)
  • Departments of Fisheries, Fisheries & Fauna and Fisheries & Wildlife (1898-1984)
  • State Gardens Board (1920–1956)
  • National Parks Board & Authority (1956–1984)
  • Government Botanist & forest entomologists of the Department of Agriculture (1897-1928)
  • State & Western Australian Herbarium (Department of Agriculture, 1921–1988)
  • Department of Conservation and Land Management (now Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) Research Division (RD), Science and Information Division (SID), CALMScience Division (CSD), Science Division (SD), Science and Conservation Division (SCD) and Biodiversity and Conservation Science (BCS; 1985–present)

What is included? What is excluded?

Journal articles, books, unpublished reports, abstracts, 16 mm films, videos, slides, CDs and ephemeral items such as posters, pamphlets and wall charts have all been included.

As this bibliography is on Western Australian flora and fauna by staff of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and its predecessors, papers and reports on topics such as general departmental management, sheep, wheat, commercial marine fisheries, trout, etc. have been excluded. Also excluded are papers by staff of other Government departments and authorities such as the Western Australian Museum.

For more information

Most of the titles in this database can be found within the catalogue of the DBCA Library.


Found 401 items


Ahrens C, Byrne M, Rymer P (2017). Identification of adaptive variation associated with climate for the improvement of adaptive management strategies (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 3–4

Algar D (2017). Domestic cat survey program, 2017: report to Christmas Island National Parks. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Woodvale, WA. 4 p.

Algar D, Johnston M, Clausen L, O’Donoghue M, Quinn J (2017). Assessment of the hazard that the Hisstory® bait for feral cats presents to a non-target species; northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus): King Leopold Ranges Conservation Park, 2017: Report to Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Energy. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Woodvale, WA. 27 p.

Algar D, Johnston M, Pink C (2017). Big island feral cat eradication campaigns: an update (ABSTRACT). In Island Invasives 2017: Dundee, Scotland, 10-14 July 2017 p. 1

Algar D, Pink C, Hamilton N (2017). Report on stages 2 and 3 of the Christmas Island cat and black rat management plan. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Woodvale, WA. 22 p.

Anderson BM, Thiele KR, Barrett MD (2017). A revision of the Triodia basedowii species complex and close relatives (Poaceae: Chloridoideae). Australian Systematic Botany 30, pp. 197–229

Anthony JM, Allcock RJN, Dobrowolski MP, Krauss SL (2017). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite primers for the critically endangered shrub Styphelia longissima (Ericaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 5, pp. 1–3

Armbruster WS, Wege JA (2017). Canalization and modularity of fit vs. advertisement traits of triggerplant flowers (Stylidiaceae) (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Abstract Book II: Posters and Abstracts: XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China, July 17-21, 2017 p. 100

Ash A, Elliot A, Godfrey S, Burmej H, Abdad MY, Northover A et al. [Wayne A, Morris K] (2017). Morphological and molecular description Ixodes woyliei n. sp. (Ixodidae) with consideration for co-extinction with its critically endangered marsupial host. Parasites and Vectors 10, pp. 1–16

Ayre B, Krauss S, Roberts D, Anthony J, Phillips R, Hopper S (2017). Importance of pollen dispersal distance on the reproductive success of the bird-pollinated Anigozanthos manglesii (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 11–12

Ayre BM, Anthony JM, Roberts DG, Allcock RJN, Krauss SL (2017). Characterization and transferability of microsatellites for the kangaroo paw, Anigozanthos manglesii (Haemodoraceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 5, pp. 1–4

Bain K, Halley M, Barton B, Wayne A, Liddelow J, Wilson I et al. (2017). Monitoring postfire survivorship and recolonisation of quokkas (Setonix brachyurus) in southwest Australian forests (ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, WA, 9th-14th July 2017: Abstract Book p. 126

Barrett M, English V (2017). A flora and vegetation survey of north Kimberley mound springs, Mt Elizabeth Station. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 34 p.

Barrett RL, Roalson EH, Ottewell K, Byrne M, Govindwar SP, Yadav SR. et al. (2017). Resolving generic boundaries in Indian-Australasian Cleomaceae: circumscription of Areocleome, Arivela and Corynandra as distinct genera. Systematic Botany 42, pp. 694–708

Barrett S, Rathbone D, Dillon R, Cochrane A (2017). Re-introducing a threatened Banksia into a Phytophthora cinnamomi infested montane habitat in Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 18–19

Bateman A, Erickson T, Merritt D, Muñoz-Rojas M (2017). Evaluating inorganic amendments in reconstructed arid-zone substrates to improve soil function and seedling development (POSTER ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 20–21

Berger BA, Han J, Sessa EB, Gardner AG, Shepherd KA, Ricigliano V et al. (2017). The unexpected depths of genome-skimming data: a case study examining Goodeniaceae floral symmetry genes. Applications in Plant Sciences 5, pp. 1–10

Berry O, Richards Z, Underwood J, McMahon K, Moore G, Travers M et al. [Evans R] (2017). Going with the flow: genomic insights into ecological connectivity in the Kimberley (ABSTRACT). In AMSA 2017 Conference: Connections Through Shallow Seas, Darwin, NT, 2-6 July 2017: Handbook p. 98

Berry O, Travers M, Evans R, Moore G, Feng M, Hernawan U et al. (2017). Complex ocean currents promote adaptive diversification and lower dispersal in a tropical reef fish from north-western Australia (ABSTRACT). In AMSA 2017 Conference: Connections Through Shallow Seas, Darwin, NT, 2-6 July 2017: Handbook p. 97

Bettink K, Dziminski M, Page M, Sonneman T, Southgate R, Bamford M (2017). Guidelines for surveys to detect the presence of bilbies and assess the importance of habitat in Western Australia. 2 p.

Bettink KA, Mills H, Morris K (2017). Genetic and morphological differentiation in rakali, the Australo-Papuan water rat (Hydromys chrysogaster) with implications for its taxonomic and conservation status (ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, WA, 9th-14th July 2017: Abstract Book p. 75

Bezemer N, Hopper S, Krauss S, Roberts D (2017). Sex on the rocks: genetic consequences of recruitment after wildfire in a granite-endemic tree (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 36–37

Blythman M (2017). Guidelines for the approved control technique for introduced corellas. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 22 p.

Blythman M, Sims C, Eliot G (2017). Wedgie gold: using metal detectors to recover PIT tags under areas used by wedge-tailed eagles and barn owls. Australian Mammalogy 40, pp. 304–306

Bohman B, Phillips RD, Flematti GR, Barrow RA, Peakall R (2017). The spider orchid Caladenia crebra produces sulfurous pheromone mimics to attract its male wasp pollinator. Angewandte Chemie 56, pp. 8455–8458

Bougher NL (2017). Fungi survey: Kings Park and Botanic Garden 2017. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 26 p.

Bourke L (2017). Hydrological function of the Greater Brixton Street wetlands: data sourcing and review. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 103 p.

Bourke L (2017). Site audit and decommissioning of surface water and climate monitoring data loggers, Toolibin Lake Catchment: prepared for Parks and Wildlife Services Wheatbelt Region. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 54 p.

Broadhurst L, Breed M, Lowe A, Bragg J, Catullo R, Coates D et al. [Krauss S, Byrne M] (2017). Genetic diversity and structure of the Australian flora. Diversity and Distributions 23, pp. 41–52

Broadhurst L, Coates D (2017). Plant conservation in Australia: current directions and future challenges. Plant Diversity 39, pp. 348–356

Broadhurst L, Waters C, Coates D (2017). Native seed for restoration: a discussion of key issues using examples from the flora of southern Australia. Rangeland Journal 39, pp. 487–498

Brown N (2017). Investigating the possible impacts of the introduced eastern long-billed corella (Cacatua tenuirostris) and little corella (Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis) in southwest Australia. Thesis (BScHons)--University of Western Australia. 49 p.

Brundrett M, Collins M, Clarke K, Longman V, Wisolith A (2017). Banksia Woodland Restoration Project: flora and vegetation completion criteria. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 40 p.

Brundrett M, Longman V, Wisolith A, Jackson K, Collins M, Clarke K (2017). Banksia Woodland Restoration Project: annual report 5, January-December 2016. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 43 p.

Burbidge A, Bamford M, Davis R, Douglas T, Greatwich B, Hamilton N et al. [Page M] (2017). Night parrot: high complexity in an arid data zone. Abstract of poster at WA Threatened Species Forum, Geraldton, 7-8 September 2017. p. 1

Burbidge A, Cake M, Ford S, O’Connor F (2017). The Australian Bird Guide by Peter Menkhorst, Danny Rogers, Rohan Clarke, Jeff Davies, Peter Marsack, and Kim Franklin 2017. Published by CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Vic. 576 pages, 245 x 170 mm, numerous colour and black and white illustrations including maps and colour plates. Soft cover, $49.95, ISBN: 9780643097544 (BOOK REVIEW). Western Australian Bird Notes 162, pp. 6–7

Burbidge A, Cherriman S (2017). Australasian Eagles and Eagle-Like Birds by Stephen Debus 2017. Published by CSIRO Publishing (BOOK REVIEW). Western Australian Bird Notes 163, p. 8

Burbidge A, Hamilton N, Douglas T, Greatwich B (2017). Conservation of the enigmatic and rare night parrot in Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In AOC Conference 2017: List of Abstracts, 8-11 November 2017, Victoria p. 44

Burbidge A, Mather S, Bamford M (2017). To cull or not to cull: is harvesting pest birds for the captive trade a viable alternative? (LETTER). Western Australian Bird Notes 161, pp. 7–8

Burbidge AH (2017). Conservation and management of threatened birds (ABSTRACT). In AOC Conference 2017: List of Abstracts, 8-11 November 2017, Victoria p. 2

Burbidge AH, Joseph L, Toon A, White LC, Austin JJ (2017). A case for realigning species limits in the southern Australian whipbirds long recognised as the western whipbird (Psophodes nigrogularis). Emu - Austral Ornithology 117, pp. 254–263

Burgess TI, Scott JK, McDougall KL, Stukely MJC, Crane C, Dunstan WA et al. (2017). Current and projected global distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi, one of the world’s worst plant pathogens. Global Change Biology 23, pp. 1661–1674

Burgess TI, White D, McDougall KM, Garnas J, Dunstan WA, Català S et al. [Stukely MJC, Crane C] (2017). Distribution and diversity of Phytophthora across Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 23, pp. 1–13

Burke C (2017). Behavioural changes associated with the provision of enrichment to captive gibbons at Perth Zoo (Hylobates moloch and Nomascus leucogenys). Thesis (BScHons)--University of Western Australia. 75 p.

Burrows N (2017). Interpreting traditional and contemporary fire patterns. Great Victoria Desert Biodiversity Trust Newsletter 6, p. 4

Burrows N (2017). The great escapes. Fire Australia 3, pp. 35–37

Burrows N (2017). Traditional and contemporary fire patterns in the Great Victoria Desert: milestone 3 report, Project GVD-P-17-002. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 4 p.

Burrows N (2017). Traditional and contemporary fire patterns in the Great Victoria Desert: Project GVD-P-17-002, milestone 2 report. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 5 p.

Burrows N, Dziminski M, Davies B, Mosaj J, Bancroft K, Grant L (2017). Eyes in the sky: new perspectives. Landscope 33(2), pp. 28–34

Burrows N, Thoomes E (2017). Effectiveness of aerial and ground baiting on introduced predators on Matuwa (Lorna Glen), winter 2017. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 24 p.

Butcher R, van Leeuwen S, Thiele K (2017). Taxonomic studies in Tephrosia Pers. (Fabaceae) in northern Western Australia: final report for Rio Tinto Pty Ltd, Mesa A Terrestrial Offset Project. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 122 p.

Byrne M, Coates D, Macdonald B, McArthur S, Zhou M, Millar M et al. [van Leeuwen S] (2017). Refining expectations for environmental characteristics of refugia: two ranges of differing elevation and topographical complexity are mesic refugia in an arid landscape. Journal of Biogeography 44, pp. 2539–2550

Byrne M, Hopley T (2017). Effects of gene flow and connectivity on signals of adaptation in two riparian plants (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW

Caddy-Retalic S, Andersen AN, Aspinwall MJ, Breed MF, Byrne M, Christmas MJ et al. (2017). Bioclimatic transect networks: powerful observatories of ecological change. Ecology and evolution 7, pp. 4607–4619

Cahill K, Rutherford J, Farmer D, Munday T (2017). Ground-based geophysics: results from an investigation near Lucky Bay, Perth, WA. CSIRO, Melbourne. 57 p.

Carpenter FM, Dziminski MA (2017). Breaking down scats: degradation of DNA from greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) faecal pellets. Australian Mammalogy 39, pp. 197–204

Challis A, Ruthrof K, Rymer P, Tissue D, Hardy G (2017). Are trees from warm climates more tolerant to extreme heatwave events than cool-origin trees? (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 67–68

Chapman TF, McCaw WL (2017). Where to survey? Spatial biodiversity survey gap analysis: a multicriteria approach. Pacific Conservation Biology 23, pp. 189–199

Clarke C, Cross A, Rice B (2017). Conservation of carnivorous plants. In Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology and Evolution Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 375–388

Clarke K, Glossop B, Brundrett M, Collins M (2017). Banksia Woodland Restoration Project: site selection for topsoil transfer and management actions. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 29 p.

Clayton H, Saladie M, Rolland V, Sharwood R, Macfarlane T, Ludwig M (2017). Loss of the chloroplast transit peptide from an ancestral C3 carbonic anhydrase is associated with C4 evolution in the grass genus Neurachne. Plant Physiology 173, pp. 1648–1658

Cobb RC, Ruthrof KX, Breshears DD, Lloret F, Aakala T et al. (2017). Ecosystem dynamics and management after forest die-off: a global synthesis with conceptual state-and-transition models. Ecosphere 8, pp. 1–17

Cochrane A (2017). Are laboratory-based investigations enough to support on-ground management actions in a resource-limited space? (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 76–77

Cochrane A (2017). Are we underestimating the impact of rising summer temperatures on dormancy loss in hard-seeded species?. Australian Journal of Botany 65, pp. 248–256

Cochrane A (2017). ASBP Partnership update. Australasian Plant Conservation 25(4), p. 23

Cochrane A (2017). Modelling seed germination response to temperature in Eucalyptus L'Her. (Myrtaceae) species in the context of global warming. Seed Science Research 27, pp. 99–109

Cochrane A (2017). News from the Australian Seedbank Partnership: ASBP Partnership update. Australasian Plant Conservation 25(4), p. 23

Cochrane A (2017). Parks and people: promoting plant conservation. Australasian Plant Conservation 25(3), pp. 15–17

Cochrane A (2017). Saving seeds: conserving our natural heritage. Australian Garden History 29(1), pp. 28–30

Cochrane A, Crawford A (2017). Seed banking supports plant conservation in the wild. Abstract of presentation at WA Threatened Species Forum, Geraldton, 7-8 September 2017. p. 1

Comer S, Algar D, Sanders A, Smale S, Speldewinde P, Hansom K (2017). Continuing the battle: felines in the Fitzgerald Biosphere. Landscope 33(1), pp. 46–52

Comer S, Berryman A, Cowen S, Pinder J, Tiller C, Powell C et al. [Burbidge A] (2017). Acoustic surveys for western ground parrots: human observers vs digital technology. Abstract of poster at WA Threatened Species Forum, Geraldton, 7-8 September 2017. p. 1

Comer S, Berryman A, Cowen S, Pinder J, Tiller C, Powell C et al. [Burbidge A] (2017). Acoustic surveys for western ground parrots. Poster presented at the Australasian Ecoacoustics Workshop, Brisbane 2nd-3rd February 2017. p. 1

Comer S, Burbidge A (2017). Update from Parks and Wildlife Service. Friends of the Western Ground Parrot Newsletter 77, pp. 11–14

Comer S, Burbidge A, Page M, Stanley F, Lees C (2017). Creating a future for the western ground parrot Pezoporus flaviventris. Abstract of presentation at WA Threatened Species Forum, Geraldton, 7-8 September 2017. p. 1

Comer S, Molloy S, Burbidge A (2017). Species distribution modelling for the western ground parrot. Western Australian Bird Notes 161, pp. 21–22

Commander LE, Golos PJ, Miller BP, Merritt DJ (2017). Seed germination traits of desert perennials. Plant Ecology 218, pp. 1077–1081

Cowan M, Mead-Hunter R, Ho K, Guthrie N, Mullins B, Quinlan K et al. [Ottewell K] (2017). Development of ethically acceptable techniques for invertebrate wet-pit trapping: a report to the Department of Parks and Wildlife’s Animal Ethics Committee. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 63 p.

Cowan MA, Anderson H (2017). Vertebrate fauna survey of Millstream Chichester National Park Naturebank envelope, Palm Pool. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Woodvale, WA. 40 p.

Cowan MA, Edinger D, Coate K (2017). Biodiversity in the southern rangelands: variation in biota over time and space on the Black Range and Lake Mason stations, Murchison Bioregion, Western Australia. Conservation Science Western Australia 12, pp. 1–40

Cramer VA, Dziminski MA, Southgate R, Carpenter FM, Ellis RJ, van Leeuwen S (2017). A conceptual framework for habitat use and research priorities for the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) in the north of Western Australia. Australian Mammalogy 39, pp. 137–151

Cross AT, Davis AR, Fleischmann A, Horner JD, Jürgens A, Merritt DJ et al. [Turner SR] (2017). Reproductive biology and pollinator-prey conflicts. In Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology and Evolution Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 294–313

Cross AT, Lambers H (2017). Young calcareous soil chronosequences as a model for ecological restoration on alkaline mine tailings. Science of the Total Environment 607/608, pp. 168–175

Cross AT, Paniw M, Ojeda F, Turner SR, Dixon KW, Merritt DJ (2017). Defining the role of fire in alleviating seed dormancy in a rare Mediterranean endemic subshrub. AoB Plants 9, pp. 1–14

Cross AT, Paniw M, Vito Scatigna A, Kalfas N, Anderson B, Givnish TJ et al. (2017). Systematics and evolution of small genera of carnivorous plants. In Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology and Evolution Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 120–134

Cross AT, Stevens JC, Dixon KW (2017). One giant leap for mankind: can ecopoiesis avert mine tailings disasters?. Plant and Soil 421, pp. 1–5

Dalziell EL, Tomlinson S (2017). Reduced metabolic rate indicates declining viability in seed collections: an experimental proof-of-concept. Conservation Physiology 5, pp. 1–10

Darling ES, Graham NAJ, Januchowski-Hartley FA, Nash KL, Pratchett MS, Wilson SK (2017). Relationships between structural complexity, coral traits and reef fish assemblages. Coral Reefs 36, pp. 561–575

Davis R, Huisman J (2017). A targeted flora survey of the Naturebank Envelope in Millstream Chichester National Park. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 7 p.

Davis RW, Brown AP (2017). A new species of Chamaescilla (Asparagaceae) from the mid-west of Western Australia. Nuytsia 28, pp. 225–227

Davis RW, Hammer TA (2017). Ptilotus benlii (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Western Australia. Nuytsia 28, pp. 299–302

Davison EM, Davison PJN, Barrett MD, Barrett RL, McMullan-Fisher SJM (2017). Additions to the Myxomycota of summer rainfall regions of tropical Australia. Nova Hedwigia 104, pp. 47–64

Davison EM, Giustiniano D, Busetti F, Gates GM, Syme K (2017). Death cap mushrooms from southern Australia: additions to Amanita (Amanitaceae: Agaricales) section Phalloideae clade IX. Australian Systematic Botany 30, pp. 371–389

Davison EM, Giustiniano D, McGurk LE, Watkin ELJ, Bougher NL (2017). Neotypification and redescription of Amanita preissii (Basidiomycota), and reconsideration of the status of A. griseibrunnea. Nuytsia 28, pp. 193–204

Deeley D, Bancroft K, Paling E (2017). Are process indicators better than inventory indicators for determining estuarine ecosystem health? (ABSTRACT). In AMSA 2017 Conference: Connections Through Shallow Seas: Doubletree by Hilton and Darwin Entertainment Centre, Darwin, Northern Territory, 2-6 July 2017: Handbook p. 123

Depczynski M, Cure K, Egdar Z, George K, Holmes T, Howard A et al. [Wilson S] (2017). Key ecological processes in Kimberley benthic communities : fish recruitment : WAMSI Kimberley Marine Research Program, final report, subproject 1.1.2a. Western Australian Marine Science Institution, Perth. 33 p.

Desmond A, Paxman M, Pearson D, Renwick J, Nilsson K (2017). Conservation of a rock wallaby on the edge of local extinction. Abstract of presentation at WA Threatened Species Forum, Geraldton, 7-8 September 2017. p. 1

DiBattista JD, Berry O, Travers MJ, Moore GI, Evans RD, Newman SJ et al. (2017). Genomics reveals fine-scale patterns of dispersal for a reef fish along the ecologically significant coast of northwestern Australia (ABSTRACT). In AMSA 2017 Conference: Connections Through Shallow Seas: Doubletree by Hilton and Darwin Entertainment Centre, Darwin, Northern Territory, 2-6 July 2017: Handbook p. 128

DiBattista JD, Travers MJ, Moore GI, Evans RD, Newman SJ, Feng M et al. (2017). Seascape genomics reveals fine-scale patterns of dispersal for a reef fish along the ecologically divergent coast of northwestern Australia. Molecular Ecology 26, pp. 6206–6223

Doherty T, Benshemesh J, Davis N, Dickman C, Forsyth D, Lawrence J et al. [Palmer R] (2017). Continental patterns in the diet of an apex predator: Australia’s dingo (ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Western Australia, 9th-4th July 2017: Abstract Book p. 68

Dolman G, Burbidge AH (2017). Evolution in fieldwrens (Calamanthus): a new look at an old problem (ABSTRACT). In AOC Conference 2017: List of Abstracts, 8-11 November 2017, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria p. 7

Donaldson F, Bencini R, Morris K, Teale R, Wale CH, How RA et al. (2017). The burrowing bettongs of Barrow Island: demographic and genetic insights into a threatened macropod. Australian Journal of Zoology 65, pp. 257–272

Dunlop J (2017). Pilbara northern quoll research program: annual report 2016. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Woodvale, WA. 35 p.

Dunlop J (2017). Quolls on country. Landscope pp. 20–26

Dunlop J, Birch N, Johnson B (2017). Northern quoll targeted surveys at Wall Creek and Mesa 228. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Woodvale, WA. 43 p.

Dunlop J, Whittington A, Catt G (2017). Targeted survey of northern quolls and black-flanked rock-wallabies in Karlamilyi National Park. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 17 p.

Dunlop JA, Morris KD, van Leeuwen SJ (2017). Northern quoll in the Pilbara: diet, space use and population dynamics of a marsupial carnivore (ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Western Australia, 9th-4th July 2017: Abstract Book pp. 68–69

Dunlop JA, Rayner K, Doherty TS (2017). Dietary flexibility in small carnivores: a case study on the endangered northern quoll, Dasyurus hallucatus. Journal of Mammalogy 98, pp. 858–866

Dybing NA, Jacobson C, Irwin P, Algar D, Adams PJ (2017). Leptospira species in feral cats and black rats from Western Australia and Christmas Island. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 17, pp. 319–324

Dziminski M (2017). Conservation and management of the bilby projects in partnership with traditional owner rangers. Poster presented at 4th Indigenous Desert Alliance Annual Forum, November 21-23rd 2017, WA Maritime Museum, Fremantle.

Dziminski M, Carpenter F, Williams M, Morris K (2017). Aerial detection of the presence of a burrowing marsupial, the greater bilby, using remotely piloted aircraft. Poster presented at 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Western Australia, 9th-4th July 2017.

Dziminski MA, Bettink KA (2017). Greater bilby survey: La Grange project area. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Kensington, WA. 35 p.

Dziminski MA, Bettink KA (2017). The conservation and management of the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) on the Dampier Peninsula, Western Australia: annual report 2016-17. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 41 p.

Dziminski MA, Carpenter F (2017). The conservation and management of the bilby (Macrotis lagotis) in the Pilbara: progress report 2016. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. pp.

Dziminski MA, Carpenter FM (2017). Monitoring a cryptic burrowing marsupial using DNA extracted from scats: greater bilby populations in the Pilbara region of north-western Australia (ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Western Australia, 9th-4th July 2017: Abstract Book p. 79

Dziminski MA, Carpenter FM, Morris K (2017). Aerial detection of the presence of a burrowing marsupial, the greater bilby, using remotely piloted aircraft (POSTER ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Western Australia, 9th-4th July 2017: Abstract Book p. 204

Erickson T, Merritt D (2017). Mining for seed knowledge in the Pilbara. For People & Plants 100, pp. 30–32

Erickson TE, Muñoz-Rojas M, Kildisheva OA, Stokes BA, White SA, Heyes JL et al. [Dalziell EL, Lewandrowski W, Turner SR, Merritt DJ] (2017). Benefits of adopting seed-based technologies for rehabilitation in the mining sector: a Pilbara perspective. Australian Journal of Botany 65, pp. 646–660

Etchells H, Grierson P, McCaw L, O'Donnell A (2017). Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest regeneration following catastrophic wildfire (ABSTRACT). In EcoTAS 2017, Joint Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society, 26 November-1 December 2017, NSW pp. 131–132

Farr JD (2017). Cardiaspina fiscella (the brown lace lerp, Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 100, pp. 4–8

Fechner N, Bonito G, Bougher NL, Lebel T, Halling RE (2017). New species of Austroboletus (Boletaceae) in Australia. Mycological Progress 16, pp. 769–775

Field S, Waples K (2017). The Kimberley Marine Research Program: integrating science into marine conservation management (ABSTRACT). In AMSA 2017 Conference: Connections Through Shallow Seas: Doubletree by Hilton and Darwin Entertainment Centre, Darwin, Northern Territory, 2-6 July 2017: Handbook p. 138

Fisher DO, Jones ME, Dickman CR, Cremona T, Amepou Y, Ritchie E et al. [Friend JA] (2017). A new method to find environmental mechanisms of life history evolution in insectivorous mammals (ABSTRACT). In 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Western Australia, 9th-4th July 2017: Abstract Book p. 108

Fleischmann A, Cross AT, Gibson R, Gonella PM, Dixon KW (2017). Systematics and evolution of Droseraceae. In Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology and Evolution Oxford University Press, Oxford. p.

Fomichev C, Briggs B, Macfarlane T, Sokoloff D (2017). Inflorescence, flower and fruit morphology of Hopkinsia anoectocolea (Anarthriaceae) and multiple origins of one-seeded fruits in the graminid clade of Poales (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Abstract Book II: Posters and Abstracts: XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China, July 17-21, 2017 pp. 132–133

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