
Over the years research staff employed by the Government of Western Australia have produced many papers on the Western Australian flora and fauna.

Research dating back to 1896 is available and represents the first database of the research conducted on Western Australia's flora, fauna and forest since the establishment of Government in the 1890s.

Research by the following departments and agencies is available:

  • Forests Department (1896–1984)
  • Departments of Fisheries, Fisheries & Fauna and Fisheries & Wildlife (1898-1984)
  • State Gardens Board (1920–1956)
  • National Parks Board & Authority (1956–1984)
  • Government Botanist & forest entomologists of the Department of Agriculture (1897-1928)
  • State & Western Australian Herbarium (Department of Agriculture, 1921–1988)
  • Department of Conservation and Land Management (now Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) Research Division (RD), Science and Information Division (SID), CALMScience Division (CSD), Science Division (SD), Science and Conservation Division (SCD) and Biodiversity and Conservation Science (BCS; 1985–present)

What is included? What is excluded?

Journal articles, books, unpublished reports, abstracts, 16 mm films, videos, slides, CDs and ephemeral items such as posters, pamphlets and wall charts have all been included.

As this bibliography is on Western Australian flora and fauna by staff of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and its predecessors, papers and reports on topics such as general departmental management, sheep, wheat, commercial marine fisheries, trout, etc. have been excluded. Also excluded are papers by staff of other Government departments and authorities such as the Western Australian Museum.

For more information

Most of the titles in this database can be found within the catalogue of the DBCA Library.


Found 212 items


Abbott I (1993). Insect pest problems of eucalypt plantations in Australia. 6, Western Australia. Australian Forestry 56, pp. 381–384

Abbott I (1993). Minimising insect pests in eucalypt plantations: a review in the context of the concepts of optimal area, polycultures and patchiness. Australian Forestry 56, pp. 385–390

Abbott I (1993). Review of the ecology and control of the introduced bark beetle, Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Western Australia, 1952-1990. CALMScience 1, pp. 35–46

Abbott I, van Heurck P, Burbidge T (1993). Ecology of the pest insect jarrah leafminer (Lepidoptera) in relation to fire and timber harvesting in jarrah forest in Western Australia. Australian Forestry 56, pp. 264–275

Abbott I, van Heurck P, Burbidge T (1993). Impact of frequency and intensity of defoliation on growth of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata): an experimental study with saplings. Forest Ecology and Management 56, pp. 175–183

Abbott I, van Heurck P, Burbidge T, Williams M (1993). Damage caused by insects and fungi to eucalypt foliage: spatial and temporal patterns in Mediterranean forest of Western Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 58, pp. 85–110

Armstrong J (1993). Remain calm: it's only peer review at work. Search 24, pp. 98–100

Armstrong J, Gibson N, Howe F, Porter B (1993). The role of ex situ conservation. In Conservation Biology in Australia and Oceania Surrey Beatty, Sydney. pp. 353–357

Armstrong JA (1993). A breakdown of scientific communication (LETTER). Search 24, p. 300

Armstrong JA (1993). Claims have no scientific backing (LETTER). Warren Blackwood Times May 5, p. 8

Armstrong JA (1993). Phytophthora and ecosystem decline : the case of the south-west of Western Australia. In Review of Phytophthora diseases in Australia pp. 45–46

Armstrong JA (ed) (1993). CITES Plants Committee: report of meeting, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 26-28 October 1992. CITES Plant Committee, Perth. 47 p.

Armstrong JA, Burbidge A, Shearer B, Chapman A, O'Brien P (1993). Phytophthora in Western Australia: an integrated research strategy. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. 19 p.

Bancroft K (1993). Preliminary ecological investigations of the poriferan community in Marmion Marine Park, Western Australia. K Bancroft, Murdoch. 39 p.

Barker WR, Rye BL (1993). Spyridium tricolor (Rhamnaceae), a disjunct new species from the Great Australian Bight. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 15, pp. 153–157

Bathgate J, Shearer B, Broughton S, Crane C (1993). The biology and epidemiology of Diplodina canker threatening Banksia coccinea. In Control of Phytophthora and Diplodina Canker in Western Australia: Phase 1 Report Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 18–20

Bathgate J, Shearer B, Rohl L, Crane C (1993). Progress on control and management of canker on Banksia coccinea. The Floriculture Industry Newsletter 28, p. 8

Bellgard S, Shearer B, Crane C, Smith B (1993). The biology, ecology and control Phytophthora megasperma in the native plant communities of Western Australia. In Control of Phytophthora and Diplodina Canker in Western Australia: Phase 1 Report Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 6–11

Bougher NL, Castellano MA (1993). Delimitation of Hymenogaster sensu stricto and four new segregate genera. Mycologia 85, pp. 273–293

Bougher NL, Tommerup IC, Malajczuk N (1993). Broad variation in developmental and mature basidiome morphology of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hydnangium sublamellatum sp. nov. bridges morphologically based generic concepts of Hydnangium, Podohydnangium and Laccaria. Mycological Research 97, pp. 613–619

Brennan GK (1993). Preservation of round timber products. 21, 28 p.

Burbidge A (1993). CALM welcomes cat man. CALM News Jun/Jul, p. 3

Burbidge A (1993). Mammals of Western Australia and their conservation status. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 7–10

Burbidge A (1993). The role of recovery plans in mammal conservation. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 11–13

Burbidge A (1993). Western grey kangaroo and western brush wallaby. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 70–71

Burbidge A (1993). White-breasted robin at Neerabup. Western Australian Bird Notes 68, p. 1

Burbidge A, Fuller P (1993). Gibson Desert birds: effects of rain and fire: interim report, November 1992. In Summaries of presentations given at program meeting, Stirling Range N.P., 23-25 November 1992 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. pp. 6–7

Burbidge A, Haberley B, Halse S, Lane J, Pearson G (1993). How many geese are enough?. Landscope 9(1), pp. 28–33

Burbidge A, Halse S, Lane J, Haberley B, Pearson G (1993). Report on a survey of the Recherche Cape Barren goose, April 1993: final report to Australian Nature Conservation Agency, under consultancy agreement no. 372. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 13 p.

Burbidge A, Rose A (1993). Birds. In Mountains of Mystery: a Natural History of the Stirling Range Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. pp. 99–108

Burbidge A, Wyre G (1993). Conservation of reptiles and frogs in Western Australia. In Herpetology in Australia: a Diverse Discipline Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney. pp. 43–47

Burbidge AA (1993). Conservation biology in Australia: where should it be heading, will it be applied?. In Conservation Biology in Australia and Oceania Surrey Beatty, Sydney. pp. 27–37

Burbidge AA (1993). Interim wildlife management guidelines no. 2 for the Lancelin Island skink (Ctenotus lancelini). Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Interim Recovery Plan 2, 7 p.

Burbidge AA, Brown A (1993). Threatened with extinction. Landscope 9(1), pp. 17–22

Burbidge AH (1993). Hirundinidae. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 11 p.

Burbidge AH (1993). Lowlands, 15/16 May. Western Australian Bird Notes 67, p. 9

Burbidge AH (ed) (1993). Fauna studies in water supply reserve 34537, adjacent to Neerabup National Park: prepared for Water Authority of Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 16 p.

Burbidge AH, Pedler L (1993). Conservation status of the Nullarbor quail-thrush: WWF Australia P179: final report. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 51 p.

Burrows N, Friend G, Morris K, Stoneman G, Wardell-Johnson G, Williams M (1993). A proposed integrated study of the effects of timber harvesting on the jarrah forest ecosystem. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 76 p.

Burrows ND (1993). Feral cat control: general research proposal: background notes, Wanjarri meeting, 10th August 1993. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. 6 p.

Burrows ND (1993). Predicting acute impacts of fire in jarrah forests for ecological studies (ABSTRACT). In Abstracts: Landscape Fires Conference: Perth, Western Australia, September 27-29, 1993 p. 13

Byrne M, Moran GF, Tibbits WN (1993). Restriction map and maternal inheritance of chloroplast DNA in Eucalyptus nitens. Journal of Heredity 83,

Cale PG, Burbidge AH (1993). Research plan for the western ground parrot, western whipbird and western bristlebird: ANPWS Endangered Species Program project no. 228. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 59 p.

CALM (1993). Control of Phytophthora and Diplodina canker in Western Australia : phase 1 report, March 1993. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. 20 p.

CALM, Science and Information Division (1993). Science and Information Division strategic plan. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 25 p.

Chapman A (1993). Development of GIS-based decision-support tools and the databasing of Phytophthora sensitive taxa. In Control of Phytophthora and Diplodina Canker in Western Australia: Phase 1 Report Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. p. 5

Chapman AR (1993). Western Australian Herbarium databases and the INFORM Project. DELTA Newsletter 8, pp. 15–16

Chapman AR, Gioia P (1993). Queensland Herbarium (BRI): analysis of strategic priorities and database recommendations. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 15 p.

Chapman AR, Lander N, Macfarlane T (1993). Interactive identification of Western Australia's conservation taxa (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Systematics, Evolution and Conservation of the Western Australian Biota: 30 September-2 October 1993, the University of Western Australia, Perth p. 40

Christensen P, Burrows N (1993). Desert dreaming (ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 5

Christensen P, Liddelow G (1993). From buckshot to breakaways: wildlife habitats of the deserts. Landscope 9(1), pp. 23–27

Coates D, Wills R, McDonald M (1993). Identifying, germ plasm storage and in vitro propagation of Phytophthora and canker threatened taxa. In Control of Phytophthora and Diplodina Canker in Western Australia: Phase 1 Report Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 12–17

Coates DJ, James SH (1993). Chromosome repatterning, population genetic structure and speciation in Stylidium (ABSTRACT). In Systematics, Evolution and Conservation of the Western Australian Biota: 30 September-2 October 1993, the University of Western Australia, Perth p. 10

Copley PB, Pedler L, Morris K (1993). Reintroductions of the greater stick-nest rat, Leporillus conditor (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 25

Cowan RS, Maslin BR (1993). Acacia miscellany. 7, Acacia sulcata and related taxa (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in Western Australia. Nuytsia 9, pp. 69–78

Cowan RS, Maslin BR (1993). Acacia miscellany. 9, the taxonomic status of Acacia coriacea (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: section Plurinerves). Nuytsia 9, pp. 83–90

Cowan RS, Maslin BR (1993). Acacias of South Australia, revised edition, D.J.E. Whibley & D.E. Symon (1992), pp. 328, 8 figs., 22 plates (Government Printer, South Australia) softbound, $A39.95 (BOOK REVIEW). Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 15, p. 159

Da Cunha EVL, Armstrong JA, Gray AI, Hockless DCR, Waterman PG, White AH (1993). 3-monoterpenyl 2,4-dioxygenated quinoline alkaloids from the aerial parts of Eriostemon australasius subsp. banksii (Rutaceae). Australian Journal of Chemistry 46, pp. 1507–1514

Davis JA, Harrington SA, Friend JA (1993). Invertebrate communities of relict streams in the arid zone: the George Gill Range, central Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44, pp. 483–505

Davison EM, Stukely MJC, Crane CE, Tay FCS (1993). Response of woody stems and roots of Pinus radiata to invasion by Phytophthora cinnamomi (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Sixth International Congress of Plant Pathology, Montreal, Canada, July-August, 1993 p. 126

Fremlin RRA, Read B, Ellis G (1993). Differences in root growth potential (RGP) and field performance of E. globulus grown in two types of nursery container. - Draft. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 21 p.

Friend G, Friend T (1993). Red-tailed phascogale, Phascogale calura. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 72–73

Friend G, Williams M (1993). Fire and invertebrate conservation in mallee-heath remnants: final report: WWF for Nature Australia project P144. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 99 p.

Friend G, Williams M (1993). Small mammal life history parameters and fire: a framework for a predictive model (ABSTRACT). In Summaries of presentations given at program meeting, Stirling Range N.P., 23-25 November 1992 p. 21

Friend GR, Pearson DJ (1993). Little long-tailed dunnart, Sminthopsis dolichura. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 52–53

Friend JA (1993). Landhoppers of south-western Australia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae) (ABSTRACT). In Systematics, Evolution and Conservation of the Western Australian Biota: 30 September-2 October 1993, the University of Western Australia, Perth p. 15

Friend JA (1993). Mammal re-introduction in Australia: an overview (ABSTRACT). In IUCN SSC Re-Introduction Specialist Group Meeting, Sydney, July 1993

Friend JA (1993). Numbats forever. Anima Quarterly 3, pp. 12–17

Friend JA (1993). Re-introduction and the numbat recovery program (ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 8

Friend JA, Algar D (1993). Methods of broadscale cat control and fox control at a numbat re-introduction site: progress report, September 1993: Feral Pests Program, Project 11. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 13 p.

Friend JA, Algar D (1993). Methods of broadscale cat control and fox control at a numbat re-introduction site. Year 1: final report, December 1993: Feral Pests Programme, project 11. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 27 p.

Friend JA, Collis G, Thomas ND (1993). Re-introduction of the quenda (Isoodon obesulus fusciventer) to the wheatbelt of Western Australia (ABSTRACT). In Abstracts of Papers and Posters: Sixth International Theriological Congress, Sydney, July 1993 p. 1

Friend JA, Collis G, Thomas ND (1993). Reintroduction of the quenda (Isoodon obesulus fusciventer) to the wheatbelt of Western Australia (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 27

Friend T (1993). Ecology and management of the numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 59–65

Friend T (1993). Southern brown bandicoot or quenda, Isoodon obesulus. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 66–69

Friend T (1993). Use of re-introduction in fauna conservation. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 87–89

Friend T, Friend G (1993). Conservation of the red-tailed phascogale (Phascogale calura). Department of Conservation and Land Management, 95 p.

Gill AM, Burrows ND, Bradstock RA (1993). Fire modelling and fire weather in an Australian desert (ABSTRACT). In Abstracts: Landscape Fires Conference: Perth, Western Australia, September 27-29, 1993 p. 10

Gioia P (1993). SEDIT for Paradox (DOS) user guide. Version 1.2. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 64 p.

Gioia P (1993). WACENSUS: the census of Western Australian plants: data dictionary. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 11 p.

Gioia P, Burgman M (1993). User manual for the declared endangered flora database management system. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 26 p.

Haigh SA, Gaynor WT, Morris K (1993). A health monitoring program for captive, translocated and wild chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii) (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 28

Hall G, Kuchling G, Groth D, Morris K (1993). Genetic management of captive stocks for re-introduction: the Western Australian experience (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 28

Hall G, Onus M, Kinnear J (1993). A survey of Barrow Island for the black-flanked rock-wallaby (Petrogale lateralis lateralis). Department of Conservation and Land Management, 6 p.

Hall NJ, McKenzie NL (eds) (1993). The biological survey of the eastern goldfields of Western Australia. Part 9, Norseman-Balladonia study area. Records of the Western Australian Museum. Supplement 42, 137 p.

Hall NJ, Newbey KR, McKenzie NL (1993). Introduction. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 42, pp. 1–6

Halse S (1993). Great egrets and Nankeen night herons in south-western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 2 p.

Halse S, Pearson G (1993). Monitoring water birds at Lake Gregory, 1993: expedition report. 2, 7 p.

Halse S, Pearson G (1993). Roebuck Bay expedition report, 1993. 3, 4 p.

Halse S, Wyrwoll K-H, Pearson G (1993). Lake Gregory. Landscope 8(2), pp. 16–19

Halse SA (1993). Riparian zone management in W.A. and S.A. : policy and practice. In Ecology and management of riparian zones in Australia pp. 143–156

Halse SA, James IR, Fitzgerald PE, Diepeveen DA, Munro DR (1993). Survival and hunting mortality of Pacific black ducks and grey teal. Journal of Wildlife Management 57, pp. 42–48

Halse SA, Pearson GB, Patrick S (1993). Vegetation of depth-gauged wetlands in nature reserves of south-west Western Australia. 30, 146 p.

Halse SA, Williams MR, Jaensch RP, Lane JAK (1993). Wetland characteristics and waterbird use of wetlands in south-western Australia. Wildlife Research 20, pp. 103–126

Hasan CM, Armstrong JA, Gray AI, Waterman PG (1993). Chemical similarities between Microcybe multiflora Turcz. and the rutaceous genus Phebalium. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 21, pp. 625–627

Hasan CM, Kong D, Gray AI, Waterman PG, Armstrong JA (1993). Microcybin: a novel dimeric coumarin from Microcybe multiflorus and Nematolepis phebalioides. Journal of Natural Products 56, pp. 1839–1842

Hopkins A, Catterall C (1993). Implementation of research results. In Conservation Biology in Australia and Oceania Surrey Beatty, Sydney. pp. 385–387

Jaensch R, Clarke A (1993). Waterbirds breeding in spring 1992 in wetlands on the south coast of Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 67 p.

Jaensch R, Lane J (1993). Western Australia. In A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Canberra. pp. 1–178

Keighery G (1993). Distribution, impact and biology of the other 'watsonias', Chasmanthe (African corn flag) and Crocosmia (Montbretia) in Western Australia. Plant Protection Quarterly 8, pp. 78–80

Keighery G (1993). Mountains of mystery. Appendix: flora list and synopsis of the flora of the Stirling Range National Park. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 51 p.

Keighery G (1993). Overview of bushland weeds. In Bushland Weeds: the Hidden Threat: Seminar Presentations, Kings Park Administration Building, 27th August, 1993 Plant Protection Society of Western Australia, Perth. pp. 5–6

Keighery G (1993). Weeds and fire: Garden Island Management Workshop background paper. In Garden Island Management Workshop, May 10, 1993 Garden Island Management Workshop Committee, Perth. pp. 1–10

Keighery G (1993). Yanchep National Park plant list. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 13 p.

Keighery G, Beard J (1993). Plant communities. In Mountains of Mystery: a Natural History of the Stirling Range Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. pp. 43–54

Keighery G, Brown A, Rose A, Thomson C (1993). Nature walks and drives. In Mountains of Mystery: a Natural History of the Stirling Range Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. pp. 155–173

Keighery G, Gibson N (1993). Biogeography and composition of the flora of the Cape Range peninsula, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 45, pp. 51–85

Keighery G, Marchant N (1993). Mountain bells. In Mountains of Mystery: a Natural History of the Stirling Range Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. pp. 55–59

Keighery GJ (1993). Borya laciniata. Wildflower Society of Western Australia Newsletter 31, p. 2

Keighery GJ (1993). Distribution, cytology, breeding systems and conservation of the Western Australian Liliaceae (S.L.) (ABSTRACT). In Systematics, Evolution and Conservation of the Western Australian Biota: 30 September-2 October 1993, the University of Western Australia, Perth p. 20

Keighery GJ (1993). Isotropis cuneifolia ssp. "glabra" (ironstone lamb poison). Wildflower Society of Western Australia Newsletter 31, pp. 2–3

Keighery GJ (1993). Jandakot Botanical Park. Report 4, vegetation, flora and condition of Lot 40, Jandakot. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 6 p.

Keighery GJ (1993). Potential weed trees on conservation lands. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 4 p.

Keighery GJ (1993). Re-discovery of Tetraria australiensis C.B.Clarke (Cyperaceae). Western Australian Naturalist 19, p. 268

Keighery GJ (1993). Weeds of Western Australia's west coast offshore islands. In Proceedings I: 10th Australian Weeds Conference and 14th Asian Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 6-10 September 1993 Weed Society of Queensland, Brisbane. pp. 167–171

Keighery GJ (1993). Whicher flannel flower: an undescribed species of Actinotus. Wildflower Society of Western Australia Newsletter 31, pp. 1–2

Keighery GJ, Keighery BJ (1993). Floristics of reserves and bushland areas of the Perth region (System 6). Part IX, flora of three coastal bushland areas (System 6 areas M46, M91 and M106) in the Perth metropolitan area. In Floristics of Reserves and Bushland Areas of the Perth Region (System 6). Parts V-IX Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. pp. 71–85

Keighery GJ, Keighery BJ (1993). Floristics of reserves and bushland areas of the Perth region (System 6). Part VIII, floristics of the Wandi Nature Reserve, Town of Kwinana. In Floristics of Reserves and Bushland Areas of the Perth Region (System 6). Parts V-IX Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. pp. 65–70

Keighery GJ, Keighery BJ (1993). Floristics of reserves and bushland areas of the Perth region (System 6). Parts V-IX. Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. 85 p.

Keighery GJ, Keighery BJ (1993). Floristics of three bushland areas of the eastern side of the Swan Coastal Plain. Part V, floristics of the Talbot Road bushland, Shire of Swan. In Floristics of Reserves and Bushland Areas of the Perth Region (System 6). Parts V-IX Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. pp. 1–5, 19, 22–25, 31–40

Keighery GJ, Keighery BJ (1993). Floristics of three bushland areas of the eastern side of the Swan Coastal Plain. Part VI, floristics of the Brickwood bushland, Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. In Floristics of Reserves and Bushland Areas of the Perth Region (System 6). Parts V-IX Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. pp. 5–8, 20, 26–27, 41–49

Keighery GJ, Keighery BJ (1993). Floristics of three bushland areas of the eastern side of the Swan Coastal Plain. Part VII, floristics of the Cardup Nature Reserve, Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale. In Floristics of Reserves and Bushland Areas of the Perth Region (System 6). Parts V-IX Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. pp. 8–10, 20–21, 28–30, 50–59

Keighery GJ, Newbey KR, Hall NJ (1993). Vegetation and flora. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 42, pp. 20–32, 56–138

Kelly AE, Taylor A, Langley MA, Spooner A, Coates DJ (1993). Declared rare flora and other plants in need of special protection in the metropolitan area. Western Australian Wildlife Management Program 10, 155 p.

Kenneally K, Edinger D, McKenzie N (1993). Rainforests and bats: a Landscope expedition to the Mitchell Plateau. Landscope 9(1), pp. 34–40

Kinal J, Shearer BL, Fairman RG (1993). Dispersal of Phytophthora cinnamomi through lateritic soil by laterally flowing subsurface water. Plant Disease 77, pp. 1085–1090

Kinnear J, Algar D, Marlow N (1993). Background, current status and proposed future directions of research on the control and ecology of the introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes): ESP project number 38: control and ecology of the red fox, Vulpes vulpes, in Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 77 p.

Kinnear J, Algar D, Marlow N (1993). ESP Project number 38 (file:700/3/9) : mid-year report (December 1992) to the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, project title Control and ecology of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 24 p.

Kinnear J, Algar D, Marlow N (1993). ESP Project number 38 (file:700/3/9) : year end report (June 1992) to the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, project title Control and ecology of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 24 p.

Komorek B, Shearer B, Smith B, Fairman R (1993). The control of Phytophthora in native plant communities. In Control of Phytophthora and Diplodina Canker in Western Australia: Phase 1 Report Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 1–2

Kuchling G, Burbidge AA (1993). Reintroduction of western swamp tortoises: why, how, when, where (POSTER ABSTRACT). In Conference on Reintroduction Biology of Australasian Fauna, 19-21 April 1993, Healesville Sanctuary: Abstracts p. 29

Lander N (1993). The Western Australian Herbarium database (ABSTRACT). In Program and Abstracts: 4th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants: Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle, W.A., Sep 27-Oct 1, 1993 p. 1

Lander NS (1993). A common directory for plant taxonomic databases. DELTA Newsletter 8, p. 16

Lander NS (1993). DELTA menus system for Windows. DELTA Newsletter 8, pp. 10–11

Liddelow GL, Ward BG (1993). Gibson Desert field trip, November 1993. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 19 p.

Macfarlane TD (1993). Personal profile: Dr Michael J. Dallwitz. DELTA Newsletter 8, pp. 2–4

Macfarlane TD (1993). Spotlight on DELTA features. DELTA Newsletter 8, p. 13

Macfarlane TD (1993). Utilities for DELTA data entry and taxon summary generation. DELTA Newsletter 8, pp. 11–12

Macfarlane TD (1993). Wurmbea calcicola (Colchicaceae), a new species from Cape Naturaliste, south western Australia. Nuytsia 9, pp. 233–236

Marchant N (1993). False flowers. Landscope 8(4), pp. 39–43

Marchant N (1993). The Watsonia workshop. Plant Protection Quarterly 8, p. 76

Marchant N (1993). Western Australian species of Watsonia. Plant Protection Quarterly 8, pp. 77–78

Marchant NG (1993). Bushland weeds: future directions and priorities. In Bushland Weeds: the Hidden Threat: Seminar Presentations, Kings Park Administration Building, 27th August, 1993 Plant Protection Society of Western Australia, Perth. pp. 19–20

Marchant NG (1993). History of plant poisoning in Western Australia (ABSTRACT). p. 1

Maslin BR (1993). Acacias of southeast Australia, Terry Tame, Kangaroo Press, 1992 (BOOK REVIEW). Muelleria 8, p. 257

Maslin BR, Weston AS (1993). Acacia setulifera: a new Kimberley record of a rarely collected northern Australian wattle. Western Australian Naturalist 19, pp. 243–246

McCaw L (1993). Fire behaviour studies in Western Australian mallee-heath (ABSTRACT). In Abstracts: Landscape Fires Conference: Perth, Western Australia, September 27-29, 1993 p. 11

McCaw L (1993). German scientists study big trees. CALM News Mar/Apr, p. 5

McCaw L (1993). Landscape Fires '93 Conference. CALM News Jun/Jul, p. 2

McCaw L (1993). Wildfires: living with the threat. Landscope 9(1), pp. 49–52

McCaw L, Gillen K (1993). Fire. In Mountains of Mystery: a Natural History of the Stirling Range Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. pp. 143–148

McCaw L, Smith R, Neal J (1993). Fire behaviour studies in mallee heath shrublands: Fire Program meeting, Stirling Range, 23-25 Nov. 1992 (ABSTRACT). In Summaries of presentations given at program meeting, Stirling Range N.P., 23-25 November 1992 p. 14

McCaw WL (1993). Effects of fuel-reduction burning on a Eucalyptus obliqua forest ecosystem in Victoria. Australian Journal of Botany 41, pp. 413–414

McGrath JF (1993). Can foliar analysis be used to determine the nitrogen status of young P. radiata?. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 6 p.

McKenzie NL (1993). Forest bats. pp. 1–2

McKenzie NL (1993). Forest bats. In Mammal Conservation Course: Batalling, 25th-30th October, 1993 Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. pp. 45–51

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