
Over the years research staff employed by the Government of Western Australia have produced many papers on the Western Australian flora and fauna.

Research dating back to 1896 is available and represents the first database of the research conducted on Western Australia's flora, fauna and forest since the establishment of Government in the 1890s.

Research by the following departments and agencies is available:

  • Forests Department (1896–1984)
  • Departments of Fisheries, Fisheries & Fauna and Fisheries & Wildlife (1898-1984)
  • State Gardens Board (1920–1956)
  • National Parks Board & Authority (1956–1984)
  • Government Botanist & forest entomologists of the Department of Agriculture (1897-1928)
  • State & Western Australian Herbarium (Department of Agriculture, 1921–1988)
  • Department of Conservation and Land Management (now Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) Research Division (RD), Science and Information Division (SID), CALMScience Division (CSD), Science Division (SD), Science and Conservation Division (SCD) and Biodiversity and Conservation Science (BCS; 1985–present)

What is included? What is excluded?

Journal articles, books, unpublished reports, abstracts, 16 mm films, videos, slides, CDs and ephemeral items such as posters, pamphlets and wall charts have all been included.

As this bibliography is on Western Australian flora and fauna by staff of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and its predecessors, papers and reports on topics such as general departmental management, sheep, wheat, commercial marine fisheries, trout, etc. have been excluded. Also excluded are papers by staff of other Government departments and authorities such as the Western Australian Museum.

For more information

Most of the titles in this database can be found within the catalogue of the DBCA Library.


Found 72 items


Abbott I, Burbidge T, Wills A (1986). 1986 jarrah leafminer survey (MAP). Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA.

Abbott I, Loneragan O (1986). Ecology of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) in the northern jarrah forest of Western Australia. 1, 137 p.

Abbott I, Majer JD, Mazanec Z (1986). Annotated bibliography of forest entomology in Western Australia to 1985. 14, 70 p.

Abbott I, Ross JS, Parker CA (1986). Ecology of the large indigenous earthworm, Megascolex imparicystis in relation to agriculture near Lancelin, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 68, pp. 13–15

Algar D (1986). An ecological study of macropodid marsupial species on a reserve. Thesis (PhD) - University of Western Australia. 238 p.

Aplin TEH, Edmiston RJ, Abbott I (1986). A Eucalyptus study tour of south-western Australia. 3, 79 p.

Bartle J, Graham G, Lane J, Moore S (1986). Forrestdale Lake Nature Reserve: draft management plan, March 1986. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Management Plan 3, 124 p.

Bedford DJ, Lee AT, Macfarlane TD, Henderson RJF, George AS (1986). Xanthorrhoeaceae. In Flora of Australia. Volume 46, Iridaceae to Dioscoreaceae Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. pp. 88–89

Blyth J, Halse S (1986). Herdsman Lake: inner city sanctuary. Landscope 2(2), pp. 28–34

Bougher NL (1986). A new species of Leucopaxillus Bours. (Agaricales) from Western Australia. Sydowia 39, pp. 17–21

Bougher NL, Malajczuk N (1986). An undescribed species of hypogeous Cortinarius associated with Eucalyptus in Western Australia. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 86, pp. 301–304

Burbidge A (1986). Barn swallow at Thomsons Lake. Western Australian Bird Notes 37, p. 1

Burbidge A (1986). Exciting desert discoveries, but: futile search for the rufous hare-wallaby. CALM News 2(18), p. 3

Burbidge A (1986). Noisy scrub bird population plan. CALM News 2(16), p. 8

Burbidge A, Boscacci L (1986). A biological survey of lands proposed for release for agriculture in the Manjimup region. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 44 p.

Burbidge AA, Folley GL, Smith GT (1986). The noisy scrub-bird. Western Australian Wildlife Management Program 2, 27 p.

Burrows N (1986). Controlling pine wildings. CALM News 2(18), p. 3

Burrows N (1986). Studying effects of fire. CALM News 2(22), p. 4

Burrows N (1986). Vegetation and fuel assessment techniques. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 6 p.

Burrows ND (1986). A fire hazard index analysis system for forest areas in Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Manjimup. 7 p.

Burrows ND (1986). Backburning in forest areas. 6/86, 6 p.

Burrows ND (1986). Planning fire regimes for nature conservation forests in south western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 24 p.

Butcher TB, Stukely MJC (1986). Update of Pinus radiata/Phytophthora cinnamomi studies in Western Australia. In Research Working Group No. 1 of the Australian Forestry Council: Forest Genetics: Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of Representatives held at Somerset, Tasmania, 24 to 27 February, 1986 Australian Forestry Council, Canberra. pp. 36–39

CALM, Research Division (1986). Summary of research 1986-1987. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 196 p.

Christensen PE, Burrows ND (1986). Fire: an old tool with a new use. In Ecology of Biological Invasions: an Australian Perspective Australian Academy of Science, Canberra. pp. 97–105

Dell B, Hopkins AJM, Lamont BB (1986). Introduction. In Resilience in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems Junk, Dordrecht. pp. 1–4

Dell B, Hopkins AJM, Lamont BB (eds) (1986). Resilience in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Junk, Dordrecht. Tasks for Vegetation Science 16, 168 p.

Erickson R, George AS, Marchant NG, Morcombe MK (1986). Flowers & plants of Western Australia. Reed, Sydney. 231 p.

Friend JA (1986). Diel and seasonal patterns of activity in the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (ABSTRACT). p. 47

Friend JA (1986). Re-establishment of the numbat in areas of its former occurrences: progress report (scientific), 23 July 1986: WWFA project 94. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 7 p.

Friend JA, Richardson AMM (1986). Biology of terrestrial amphipods. Annual Review of Entomology 31, pp. 25–48

Friend JA, Thomas ND, Turner BG (1986). Re-establishment of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) to Boyagin Nature Reserve, southwest Western Australia. Australian Mammal Society Bulletin. Supplement

Friend JA, Whitford RW (1986). Captive breeding of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (ABSTRACT). p. 54

Fuller P, Burbidge A (1986). Dibbler population rare find. CALM News 2(11), p. 2

Grubb PJ, Hopkins AJM (1986). Resilience at the level of the plant community. In Resilience in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems Junk, Dordrecht. pp. 21–38

Halse S (1986). Herdsman Lake situation report: confidential report for Department of Conservation and Land Management. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 49 p.

Halse SA (1986). Parrot damage in apple orchards in south-western Australia: a review. 8, 74 p.

Halse SA (1986). Parrot damage in south-western Australian orchards. Western Australian Avicultural Magazine 30, pp. 4–9

Hopkins AJM (1986). Recovery after fire in sclerophyllous plant communities of southern Australia (ABSTRACT). In Program of the IV International Congress of Ecology: 71st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America

Hopper SD, Burbidge AH (1986). Speciation of bird-pollinated plants in south-western Australia. In The Dynamic Partnership: Birds and Plants in Southern Australia Government Printer, Adelaide. pp. 20–31

Huisman JM (1986). The red algal genus Scinaia (Galaxauraceae: Nemaliales) from Australia. Phycologia 25, pp. 271–296

Keighery G (1986). A data source booklet on Western Australian members of the Rosaceae and Chrysobalanaceae. 1/86, 8 p.

Keighery G (1986). Garden escapes on Rottnest Island: an annotated checklist. 3/86, 6 p.

Keighery G, Tippett J (1986). Protection status and vegetation types in the South Coast Region: report prepared for CALM South Coast Region dieback protection plan 1986-1988. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 4 p.

Keighery GJ (1986). A new species of Tricoryne (Liliaceae) from Western Australia. Willdenowia 15, pp. 473–474

Keighery GJ (1986). The pepper tree, Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae): a possible problem woody weed in pine plantations. 4/86, 1 p.

Keighery GJ (1986). Updating your records on the flora of Western Australia. 5/86, 26 p.

Keighery GJ, Alford JJ (1986). Pampas grass in Western Australia. 2/86, 3 p.

Keighery GJ, Dixon IR (1986). Potential nut crops of the Western Australian Santalaceae. Western Australian Nut & Tree Crop Association Yearbook 11, pp. 5–22

Lamont BB, van Leeuwen SJ (1986). Seed production and attrition in a rare Banksia species: a population ecology approach. Western Australian Institute of Technology, Bentley. 20 p.

Lander NS, Kenneally KF (1986). Sources of information on the vegetation and flora of Western Australia. Western Australian Herbarium, 8 p.

Lane J (1986). Migratory waders. Landscope 1(4), pp. 17–21

Lee AT, Macfarlane TD (1986). Lomandra. In Flora of Australia. Volume 46, Iridaceae to Dioscoreaceae Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. pp. 100–141, 211–214, 223–224

Macfarlane TD (1986). Two new species of Wurmbea (Colchicaceae or Liliaceae s. lat.) from south western Australia. Nuytsia 5, pp. 407–413

McCaw L (1986). Fuel and vegetation sampling: notes for a workshop held at Woodvale, 3rd November 1986: estimating fuels in regrowth karri stands. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Manjimup. 9 p.

McCaw L (1986). Prescribed burning of regenerated karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest: a review of current research prepared for the Research Working Group 6 (Fire Management) meeting at Eden, N.S.W., 1986. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 21 p.

McCaw WL (1986). Behaviour and short term effects of two fires in regenerated karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forest. 9, 25 p.

McKenzie NL (1986). The Biological Survey Unit at the WAWRC: role, objectives, strategies, resources & 1985-1987 program: internal discussion paper, first draft. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Woodvale, WA. 19 p.

McKenzie NL, Rolfe JK (1986). Structure of bat guilds in the Kimberley mangroves, Australia. Journal of Animal Ecology 55, pp. 401–420

McNamara KJ, Prince RIT (1986). Kangaroo management in Western Australia. Western Australian Wildlife Management Program 3, 32 p.

Moore SA, Williams AAE (1986). Nature reserves of the Shire of Wyalkatchem: management plan, 1985-1995. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Management Plan 2, 103 p.

Moore SA, Williams AAE (1986). Nature reserves of the shires of York and Northam: draft management plan, March 1986. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, WA. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Management Plan 4, 132 p.

Pinder A (1986). Ecology of macroinvertebrates in seasonal wetlands. Thesis (BScHons) - Murdoch University. A Pinder, Murdoch. 90 p.

Prince RIT (1986). Dugong in northern waters of Western Australia 1984. 7, 38 p.

Prince RIT (1986). Western Australian marine turtles: States Assistance, ANPWS 1986-87. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 7 p.

Saunders D, Arnold G, Burbidge A, Hopkins A (1986). The importance of remnant areas. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 67, pp. 68–69

Shaw DD, Coates DJ, Wilkinson P (1986). Estimating the genetic and chromosomal components of reproductive isolation within and between subspecies of the grasshopper Caledia captiva. Cytology 28, pp. 686–695

Wardell-Johnson G, McCaw L, Burrows N (1986). Objectives, priorities and methods for biological survey in forests of the south-west: discussion paper. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 8 p.

Watkins D, Clarke J, Lane J, Moore S (1986). Benger Swamp Nature Reserve: draft management plan, December 1986. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia, Management Plan 7, 92 p.

Western Australian Herbarium (1986). Garden guide. Western Australian Herbarium, 81 p.

Western Australian Herbarium (1986). Garden nature trail for students. Western Australian Herbarium, 29 p.

Wyrwoll K-H, McKenzie NL, Pederson BJ, Tapley IJ (1986). The Great Sandy Desert of northwestern Australia: the last 7000 years. Search 17, pp. 208–210